Get to know Secrets Manager
Follow this article and video guides to get started with Bitwarden Secrets Manager and begin securely storing, sharing, and injecting infrastructure secrets into your development pipelines. Learn how to switch between Bitwarden products, add secrets, and grant machine access.
Learn more about all the products available from Bitwarden here.
Learn more about projects here, or jump to the following points in the video to learn more about specific topics:
0:05: Create a project.
0:33: Add people to a project.
Learn more about secrets here, or jump to the following points in the video to learn more about specific topics:
0:14: Import secrets to Bitwarden.
0:47: Condition an import file.
1:52: Add secrets to Bitwarden manually.
Learn more about machine accounts here, or jump to the following points in the video to learn more about specific topics:
0:10: About machine accounts.
0:33: Add a machine account.
Learn more about access tokens here, or jump to the following points in the video to learn more about specific topics:
0:22: Create an access token.
0:57: Use an access token.
1:57: Revoke an access token.
Learn more about exporting Secrets Manager data here.
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