Configuring Bitwarden at your IdP - SAML 2.0

Service Provider Configuration Mapping

Bitwarden Field

Azure AD Field

JumpCloud Field

OneLogin Field

G-Suite Field

Okta Field

SP Entity ID (The Bitwarden SSO Service- auto generated)

Identifier (Entity ID)

SP Entity ID

Audience (EntityID)

Entity ID

Audience Restriction

Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL

Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)


ACS (Consumer) URL


Single Sign On URL, Recipient URL, Destination URL

Name ID Format

Name ID

SAMLSubject NameId Format

Name ID

Name ID: G-Suite + Bitwarden should match

Name ID Format

Outbound Signing Algorithm

Azure + Bitwarden should match

Signature Algorithm

OneLogin + Bitwarden should match

G-Suite + Bitwarden should match

Signature Algorithm + Bitwarden should match

Signing Behavior

Use default, Bitwarden will sign if IdP requests

Use default, Bitwarden will sign if IdP requests

Use default, Bitwarden will sign if IdP requests

G-Suite + Bitwarden should match

Digest Algorithm + Bitwarden should match

Identity (IdP) Provider Configuration

Bitwarden Field

Azure AD Field

JumpCloud Field

OneLogin Field

G-Suite Field

Okta Field

Entity ID

Azure AD Identifier

IdP Entity ID

Issuer URL

Entity ID

Binding Type

Azure + Bitwarden should match

JumpCloud + Bitwarden should match

OneLogin + Bitwarden should match

G-Suite + Bitwarden should match

Okta + Bitwarden should match

Single Sign On Service URL

Login URL


SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP)


Single Log Out Service URL

Logout URL


SLO Endpoint (HTTP)


Artifact Resolution Service URL






X509 Public Certificate

Certificate (Base64)

Download after activation, available under "IDP Certificate Valid"

X.509 Certificate

Certificate (download PEM file, open as text)

x.509 Certificate

Outbound Signing Algorithm

Azure + Bitwarden should match

Signature Algorithm

Azure + Bitwarden should match

Checkbox to turn off/on

Signature Algorithm + Bitwarden should match

Screenshots of Sample Configurations

Okta Sample:

folder,favorite,type,name,notes,fields,login_uri,login_username,login_password,login_totp Social,1,login,Twitter,,,,,password123, ,,login,My Bank,Bank PIN is 1234,"PIN: 1234 Question 1: Blue",,john.smith,password123456, ,,login,EVGA,,,,,fakepassword,TOTPSEED123 ,,note,My Note,"This is a secure note. Notes can span multiple lines.",,,,,


This table is meant to make locating some fields and values easier. Some configurations and provider versions may differ depending on your Organization's policies and procedures. If you are having trouble configuring Login with SSO for your Bitwarden Organization, please contact us for assitance.

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