Provider Portal

Provider Billing


If your provider was established before 1 August, 2024, each client organization is currently billed separately using the payment method registered during client organization creation. Client organization owners (that is, an owner who is not a member of your provider) will be able to view billing information.

Your provider will be migrated to the billing system described in the rest of this article in a future release.

About provider billing

When you sign up to be a Provider, you will designate two separate seat count minimums; a Teams seat minimum and an Enterprise seat minimum. These counts are a fixed floor which you are billed for monthly.

When creating client organizations and provisioning their users, client user seats will be pulled from your designated seat count at no additional monthly cost as long as there are remaining unassigned seats. For example, if you signed up for 50 Enterprise seats and have 1 Enterprise client organization utilizing 25 seats, you can add an additional 25 Enterprise seats to this or any Enterprise client organization at no additional monthly charge.

Seats can be added to client organizations above your designated seat count minimums at any time and will be:

  • Listed as Additional seats purchased when managing a client organization's seat count or creating a new client organization.

  • Automatically added to your invoice in the next billing cycle.

Manage seats

To add or remove seats from a client organization, use the options menu and select Manage subscription:

Add client organization seats
Add client organization seats

If you add seats to client organizations such that you rise above your designated Teams seat minimum or Enterprise seat minimum, a prorated charge will be applied to your next invoice.

If you remove seats from client organizations such that you drop back to your designated Teams seat minimum or Enterprise seat minimum, the cost of the additional seats provisioned above the minimum will be automatically removed from your invoice in the next billing cycle.

View billing information


Only Provider admins can see billing information for their client organizations. Owners of client organizations, when navigating to their BillingSubscription screen in the Admin Console, will be shown the following:

Managed client billing
Managed client billing


From the BillingSubscription page, you can view the total number of Teams and Enterprise seats you are paying for, the rate being charged for each seat, and the date of next charge.

Billing history

From the BillingBilling history page, you can download PDF invoices for each billing period as well as .csv files containing a client-by-client breakdown of assigned seats.

More information

Partner program

Bitwarden offers MSPs incentives on cumulative seats under management in any teams and enterprise organizations, including any created for use by reseller or MSP employees. To learn more about the MSP program, please contact sales here.

Customer support

All MSP's receive priority support from our 24/7 customer support team. Contact us for support.

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