File Attachments
File attachments are available for Premium users and members of paid organizations. These users paid have 1GB of encrypted storage for file attachments. More storage can be purchased in 1GB increments.
Files can be attached to vault items from any Bitwarden app. An individual file attachment must be 500 MB (100 MB if uploading from mobile) or smaller. Attachments are encrypted and decrypted locally, meaning no unencrypted attachment data is transported over the internet or stored by the server.
Attachments on individual vault items and all Sends use the individual storage space granted by premium subscriptions or organizations. Attachments on organization owned items use shared organizational storage space. Learn how to add storage space.
To attach a file to a vault item:
To attach file from the web app:
Select the
Options menu for the item to attach the file to.Select
Attachments from the dropdown.In the attachments panel, Browse... for your file.
Select the Save button.
Once a vault item has a file attached to it, selecting
Attachments from the Options menu will also display a list of attached files.To attach file from the browser extension:
Open the item to attach the file to and select the Edit button.
Scroll to the bottom of the Edit screen and select
Attachments.On the attachments panel, select Choose File.
Select a file to upload and select the Upload button.
Once a vault item has a file attached to it, selecting
Attachments from this location will also display a list of attached files.To attach file from the mobile app:
Open the item to attach the file to and select the
Menu button.Select
Attachments.On the attachments panel, select the Choose File button and browse for your file.
Select the Save button.
Once a vault item has a file attached to it, selecting
Attachments from the Menu dropdown will also display a list of attached files.To attach file from the desktop app:
Open the item to attach the file to and select the Edit button.
Attachments.On the attachments panel, Browse... for your file.
Select the Save button.
Once a vault item has a file attached to it, selecting
Attachments from will also display a list of attached files.Use bw create attachment
to attach a file to an existing vault item, for example:
Bashbw create attachment --file /path/to/myfile.ext --itemid <itemid>
For more information, please refer to the Bitwarden CLI documentation.
To download a file attachment:
To download an attachment from the web app:
Select the
Options menu for the item to download the attach from.Select
Attachments from the dropdown.Select the attachment to download.
To download an attachment from the browser extension:
Open the item with the attachment to download.
Scroll to the bottom of the Edit screen and select Attachments.
For the attachment to download, select the
Download button.
To download an attachment from the mobile app:
Open the item with the attachment to download.
Select the
Download button for the attachment to download.
To download an attachment from the desktop app:
Open the item with the attachment to download.
Scroll to the attachments section and select the
Download button for the item to download.
Use bw get attachment
to download a file, for example:
Bashbw get attachment photo.png --itemid 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412 --output /Users/myaccount/Pictures/
For more information, please refer to the CLI documentation.
To delete a file attachment:
To delete an attachment from the web app:
Select the
Options menu for the item with the attachment to delete.Select
Attachments from the dropdown.Select the
Delete icon next to the attachment to delete.
To delete an attachment from the browser extension:
Open the item with the attachment to delete.
Scroll to the bottom of the Edit screen and select Attachments.
For the attachment to delete, select the
Delete button.
To delete an attachment from the mobile app:
Open the item with the attachment to delete and select the
Menu icon.Select
Attachments.On the attachments panel, select the
Delete icon for the attachment to delete.
To delete an attachment from the desktop app:
Open the item with the attachment to delete and select the Edit button.
Attachments.On the attachments panel, select the
Delete icon for the attachment to delete.
Use bw delete attachment to delete a file attachment, for example:
Bashbw delete attachment 7063feab-4b10-472e-b64c-785e2b870b92
For more information, please refer to the Bitwarden CLI documentation.
Paid users and members of paid organizations have 1GB of encrypted storage for file attachments. Individuals and organizations can purchase additional storage space by completing the following steps:
Adding storage space will adjust your billing totals and immediately charge your payment method. The first charge will be prorated for the remainder of the current billing cycle.
To add storage space in your individual vault:
In the Bitwarden web app, navigate to Settings → Subscription.
In the Storage section, select the Add Storage button:
Using the counter, choose the number of GB of Storage to Add and select Submit.
To add storage space in your organization vault:
In the Bitwarden web app, Open the Admin Console using the product switcher:
From the navigation, select Billing → Subscription.
In the Manage subscription section, select the Add Storage button:
Using the counter, choose the number of GB of Storage to Add and select Submit.
While attachment storage is still tied to being a paid user or member of an organization when self-hosted, the amount of storage space is only limited by how much space is available on the volume that contains your attachments directory, with an upward limit of 10 TB (10240 GB). Users and admins do not need to change any values to increase that limit.
Prior to December 2018, file attachments used a different method of encrypting their data. We have since moved to a newer, better way of encrypting attachments. Any attachments that use the older encryption method will be labeled with an alert icon in your vault listing. You should upgrade these old attachments to the newer method of encryption so that other account-related features can function properly:
Open the page for editing your attachments.
Click the Fix button next to the old attachment. This process will download the attachment, re-encrypt it using the new encryption method, re-upload the attachment back to your vault, and delete the old version of the attachment.
Once an attachment has successfully been upgraded, the alert icon and fix button should disappear.
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For technical, billing, and product questions, please contact support