Password ManagerBitwarden Send

Send Lifespan

Unlike regular vault items and file attachments, Sends are ephemeral and have a default lifespan of seven days and can be set to last for up to 31 days using the deletion date option. When a Send reaches its deletion date, it's purged from Bitwarden systems and inaccessible to both sender and recipients.

Optionally, you can set additional limitations on access using the expiration date and/or maximum access count options. You can also manually disable or delete a Send at any time.

Deletion date

By default, Sends will automatically be deleted seven days after they are created. Using the deletion date option, you can change this to a range of pre-specified options (for example, 1 hour, 1 day, 14 days, 31 days).

Deletion date has a maximum allowed value of 31 days from creation.

Deletion behavior

When a Send reaches its deletion date:

  • For recipients (anyone with the generated link), navigating to the Send link will show a screen reporting that the Send does not exist or is no longer available.

  • For the sender, a Pending Deletion icon will appear next to the Send. The Send will pend deletion for a few minutes, after which it will be permanently deleted from Bitwarden systems and from the sender's view.


    Deleted Sends are not sent to or stored in the trash. Once the deletion has been confirmed, you will not be able to access the contents of a Send.

Expiration date

By default, Sends will never expire, but they will be deleted. Using the Expiration Date option, you can select from a range of pre-specified options (for example, 1 hour, 1 day, 7 days) or specify a custom timestamp using the date picker (or in the text input in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM). Expiration dates cannot be configured from browser extensions.

Expiration behavior

When a Send reaches its expiration date:

  • For recipients (anyone with the generated link), navigating to the Send link will show a screen reporting that the Send does not exist or is no longer available.

  • For the sender, an Expired icon will appear next to the Send. The Send will remain accessible to the sender until the specified deletion date is reached.

Maximum access count (or, Limit views)

For all Sends, a Current Access Count ticker will track the number of times the Send link has been accessed:

Current Access Count ticker
Current Access Count ticker

You can specify a Maximum Access Count or, on browser extensions Limit views, that is any positive integer.

Maximum access count behavior

When a Send reaches its specified maximum access (or View) count:

  • For recipients (anyone with the generated link), navigating to the Send link will show a screen reporting that the Send does not exist or is no longer available.

  • For the sender, a Max access count reached icon will appear next to the send. The Send will remain accessible to its sender until the specified deletion date is reached.


The Current Access Count (or View) ticker counts:

  • For text Sends, the number of times the link has been accessed.

  • For file Sends, the number of times the contents are downloaded.

Manually disable or delete

To manually disable or delete a Send from any Bitwarden app:

Disable from the web app

To disable a Send from the web app, open the Edit Send view, expand the Options, and check the Deactivate this Send so that no one can access it checkbox. You can uncheck this box at any time to re-enable access to the Send.

When a Send is disabled:

  • For recipients (anyone with the generated link), navigating to the Send link will show a screen reporting that the Send does not exist or is no longer available.

  • For the sender, a Deactivated icon will appear next to the Send. The Send will remain accessible to its sender until the specified Deletion Date is reached.

Delete from the web app

To delete a Send from the web app, use the options menu to select the Delete button:

Send options
Send options

Delete from browser extensions

To delete a Send from a browser extension, select the Trash icon next to the Send you want to delete:

Delete Send from a browser extension
Delete Send from a browser extension

Disable from desktop apps

To disable a Send from a desktop app, open the Edit Send view and check the Disable this Send so that no one can access it checkbox. You can uncheck this box at any time to re-enable access to the Send.

Disable from a Desktop App
Disable from a Desktop App

When a Send is disabled:

  • For recipients (anyone with the generated link), navigating to the Send link will show a screen reporting that the Send does not exist or is no longer available.

  • For the sender, a Disabled icon will appear next to the Send. The Send will remain accessible to its sender until the specified Deletion Date is reached.

Delete from desktop apps

To delete a Send from a desktop app, open the Edit Send view and select the Delete button:

Delete from a Desktop App
Delete from a Desktop App

Disable from mobile apps

To deactivate a Send from a mobile app, open the Edit Send view and toggle the Deactivate this Send so that no one can access it option. You can toggle this option off at any time to re-enable access to the Send.

Deactivate send from mobile
Deactivate send from mobile

When a Send is deactivated:

  • For recipients (anyone with the generated link), navigating to the Send link will show a screen reporting that the Send does not exist or is no longer available.

  • For the sender, a Disabled icon will appear next to the Send. The Send will remain accessible to its sender until the specified Deletion Date is reached.

Delete from mobile apps

To delete a Send from a mobile app, tap the options menu and tap the Delete option:

Delete a send on mobile
Delete a send on mobile

Disable from the CLI

To disable a Send from the CLI, you will need to use the edit command to change the "disabled":false key-value pair to "disabled":true, for example:

bw send get <id> | jq '.disabled=false' | bw encode | bw send edit

We recommend reading the Send from CLI article for more information.

Delete from the CLI

To delete a Send from the CLI, use the delete command with the Send's exact unique id as an argument:

bw send delete <id>

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