Google SAML Implementation
This article contains Google Workspace-specific help for configuring login with SSO via SAML 2.0. For help configuring login with SSO for another IdP, refer to SAML 2.0 Configuration.
Configuration involves working simultaneously with the Bitwarden web app and the Google Workspace Admin console. As you proceed, we recommend having both readily available and completing steps in the order they are documented.
Already an SSO expert? Skip the instructions in this article and download screenshots of sample configurations to compare against your own.
Log in to the Bitwarden web app and open the Admin Console using the product switcher:

Open your organization's Settings → Single sign-on screen:

If you haven't already, create a unique SSO identifier for your organization and select SAML from the the Type dropdown. Keep this screen open for easy reference.
You can turn off the Set a unique SP entity ID option at this stage if you wish. Doing so will remove your organization ID from your SP entity ID value, however in almost all cases it is recommended to leave this option on.
There are alternative Member decryption options. Learn how to get started using SSO with trusted devices or Key Connector.
In the Google Workspace Admin console, select Apps → Web and mobile apps from the navigation. On the Web and mobile apps screen, select Add App → Add custom SAML app:

On the app details screen, give the application a unique Bitwarden-specific name and select the Continue button.
On the Google Identity Provider details screen, copy your SSO URL, Entity ID, and Certificate for use during a later step:

Select Continue when you are finished.
On the Service provider details screen, configure the following fields:
Field | Description |
ACS URL | Set this field to the pre-generated Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL. This automatically-generated value can be copied from the organization's Settings → Single sign-on screen and will vary based on your setup. |
Entity ID | Set this field to the pre-generated SP Entity ID. This automatically-generated value can be copied from the organization's Settings → Single sign-on screen and will vary based on your setup. |
Start URL | Optionally, set this field to the login URL from which users will access Bitwarden. |
Signed response | Check this box if you want Workspace to sign SAML responses. If not checked, Workspace will sign only the SAML assertion. |
Name ID format | Set this field to Persistent. |
Name ID | Select the Workspace user attribute to populate NameID. |
Select Continue when you are finished.
On the Attribute mapping screen, select the Add Mapping button and construct the following mapping:
Google Directory attributes | App attributes |
Primary email |
Select Finish.
By default, Workspace SAML apps will be OFF for everyone. Open the User access section for the SAML app and set to ON for everyone or for specific Groups, depending on your needs:

Save your changes. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for a new Workspace app to propagate to users existing sessions.
At this point, you have configured everything you need within the context of the Google Workspace Admin console. Return to the Bitwarden web app to complete configuration.
The Single sign-on screen separates configuration into two sections:
SAML service provider configuration will determine the format of SAML requests.
SAML identity provider configuration will determine the format to expect for SAML responses.
Configure the following fields according to the choices selected in the Workspace Admin console during setup:
Field | Description |
Name ID Format | Set this field to the Name ID format selected in Workspace. |
Outbound Signing Algorithm | The algorithm Bitwarden will use to sign SAML requests. |
Signing Behavior | Whether/when SAML requests will be signed. |
Minimum Incoming Signing Algorithm | By default, Google Workspace will sign with RSA SHA-256. Select |
Expect signed assertions | Whether Bitwarden expects SAML assertions to be signed. This setting should be unchecked. |
Validate Certificates | Check this box when using trusted and valid certificates from your IdP through a trusted CA. Self-signed certificates may fail unless proper trust chains are configured with the Bitwarden Login with SSO docker image. |
When you are done with the service provider configuration, Save your work.
Identity provider configuration will often require you to refer back to the Workspace Admin console to retrieve application values:
Field | Description |
Entity ID | Set this field to Workspace's Entity ID, retrieved from the Google Identity Provider details section or using the Download Metadata button. This field is case sensitive. |
Binding Type | Set to HTTP POST or Redirect. |
Single Sign On Service URL | Set this field to Workspace's SSO URL, retrieved from the Google Identity Provider details section or using the Download Metadata button. |
Single Log Out URL | Login with SSO currently does not support SLO. This option is planned for future development, however you may pre-configure it if you wish. |
X509 Public Certificate | Paste the retrieved certificate, removing
and |
Outbound Signing Algorithm | By default, Google Workspace will sign with RSA SHA-256. Select |
Disable Outbound Logout Requests | Login with SSO currently does not support SLO. This option is planned for future development. |
Want Authentication Requests Signed | Whether Google Workspace expects SAML requests to be signed. |
When completing the X509 certificate, take note of the expiration date. Certificates will have to be renewed in order to prevent any disruptions in service to SSO end users. If a certificate has expired, Admin and Owner accounts will always be able to log in with email address and master password.
When you are done with the identity provider configuration, Save your work.
You can require users to log in with SSO by activating the single sign-on authentication policy. Please note, this will require activating the single organization policy as well. Learn more.
Once your configuration is complete, test it by navigating to, entering your email address and selecting the Enterprise Single-On button:

Enter the configured organization identifier and select Log In. If your implementation is successfully configured, you will be redirected to the Google Workspace login screen:

After you authenticate with your Workspace credentials, enter your Bitwarden master password to decrypt your vault!
Bitwarden does not support unsolicited responses, so initiating login from your IdP will result in an error. The SSO login flow must be initiated from Bitwarden.
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