Self-hostingInstall & Deploy Guides

OpenShift Deployment

This article dives into how you might alter your Bitwarden self-hosted Helm Chart deployment based on the specific offerings of OpenShift.

OpenShift routes

This example will demonstrate OpenShift Routes instead of the default ingress controllers.

Disable default ingress

  1. Access my-values.yaml.

  2. Disable the default ingress by specifying ingress.enabled: false:

general: domain: "" ingress: enabled: false

The remaining ingress values do not require modification, as setting ingress.enabled: false will prompt the chart to ignore them.

Add raw manifest for routes

Locate the rawManifests section in my-values.yaml. This section is where the OpenShift Route manifests will be assigned.

An example file for a rawManifests section that uses OpenShift Routes can be downloaded here.


In the example provided above, destinationCACertificate has been set to an empty string. This will use the default certificate setup in OpenShift. Alternatively, specify a certificate name here, or you can use Let's Encrypt by following this guide. If you do, you will be required to add "true" to the annotations for each route.

Shared storage class

A shared storage class is required for most OpenShift deployments. ReadWriteMany storage must be enabled. This can be done through the method of your choice, one option is to use the NFS Subdir External Provisioner.


The oc command can be used to deploy secrets. A valid installation id and key can be retrieved from For more information, see What are my installation id and installation key used for?

The following command is an example:


This example will record commands to your shell history. Other methods may be considered to securely set a secret.

oc create secret generic custom-secret -n bitwarden \ --from-literal=globalSettings__installation__id="REPLACE" \ --from-literal=globalSettings__installation__key="REPLACE" \ --from-literal=globalSettings__mail__smtp__username="REPLACE" \ --from-literal=globalSettings__mail__smtp__password="REPLACE" \ --from-literal=globalSettings__yubico__clientId="REPLACE" \ --from-literal=globalSettings__yubico__key="REPLACE" \ --from-literal=globalSettings__hibpApiKey="REPLACE" \ --from-literal=SA_PASSWORD="REPLACE" # If using SQL pod # --from-literal=globalSettings__sqlServer__connectionString="REPLACE" # If using your own SQL server

Create a service account

A service account in OpenShift is required as each container needs to run elevated commands on start-up. These commands are blocked by OpenShift's restricted SCCs. We need to create a service account and assign it to the anyuid SCC.

  1. Run the following commands with the oc command line tool:

    oc create sa bitwarden-sa oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z bitwarden-sa
  2. Next, update my-values.yaml to use the new service account. Set the following keys to the name of the service account bitwarden-sa that was created in the previous step:

    component.admin.podServiceAccount component.api.podServiceAccount component.attachments.podServiceAccount component.icons.podServiceAccount component.identity.podServiceAccount component.notifications.podServiceAccount component.scim.podServiceAccount component.sso.podServiceAccount component.web.podServiceAccount database.podServiceAccount

    Here is an example in the my-values.yaml file:

component: # The Admin component admin: # Additional deployment labels labels: {} # Image name, tag, and pull policy image: name: resources: requests: memory: "64Mi" cpu: "50m" limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" securityContext: podServiceAccount: bitwarden-sa

You can create your own SCC to fine-tune the security of these pods. Managing SCCs in OpenShift describes the out-of-the-box SSCs and how to create your own if desired.

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