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Emergency Access

Emergency access allows users to designate and manage trusted emergency contacts, who can request access to their vault in cases of emergency.


Only premium users, including members of paid organizations (Families, Teams, or Enterprise) can designate trusted emergency contacts, however anyone with a Bitwarden account can be designated as a trusted emergency contact.

If your premium features are cancelled or lapse due to failed payment method, your trusted emergency contacts will still be able to request and obtain access to your vault. You will, however, not be able to add new or edit existing trusted emergency contacts.

Set up emergency access

Setting up emergency access is a 3-step process in which you must Invite a user to become a trusted emergency contact, they must Accept the invitation, and finally you must Confirm their acceptance:

As someone who wants to grant emergency access to your vault, invite a trusted emergency contact:

  1. In the Bitwarden web app, navigate to SettingsEmergency access:

    Emergency access page
    Emergency access page

  2. Select the Add emergency contact button:

    Add emergency contact
    Add emergency contact
  3. Enter the Email of your trusted emergency contact. Trusted emergency contacts must have Bitwarden accounts of their own, but don't need to have premium.

    Emergency access dialogue
    Emergency access dialogue

  4. Set a User Access level for the trusted emergency contact (View-only or Takeover).

  5. Set a Wait time for vault access. Wait time dictates how long your trusted emergency contact must wait to access your vault after initiating an emergency access request if the access is not manually approved.

  6. Select the Save button to send the invitation.

Your trusted emergency contact must now accept the invitation.


Invitations to become a trusted emergency contact are only valid for five days.

Use emergency access

Once setup, the following sections will help you Initiate access as a trusted emergency contact or Manage access as someone who has designated a trusted emergency contact:


The following Manage access tab also contains information about what to do when you no longer want your trusted emergency contacts to have View or Takeover access to your vault.

Initiate emergency access

Complete the following steps to initiate an emergency access request:

  1. In the Bitwarden web app, navigate to SettingsEmergency access:

    Emergency access page
    Emergency access page

  2. In the Designated as emergency contact section, select the menu icon and choose Request Access:

    Request emergency access
    Request emergency access
  3. In the confirmation window, select the Request Access button.

You will be provided access to the grantor's vault after the configured wait time, or when the grantor manually approves (see Manage access tab) the emergency access request.

Access the vault

Complete the following steps to access the vault once your request has been approved:

  1. In the Bitwarden web app, navigate to SettingsEmergency access:

    Emergency access page
    Emergency access page

  2. In the Designated as emergency contact section, select the menu icon and choose the option from the dropdown that corresponds with your assigned access:

    • View - Selecting this option will display the grantor's vault items on this screen.

    • Takeover - Selecting this option will allow you to enter and confirm a new master password for the grantor's account. Once saved, log in to Bitwarden as normal, entering the grantor's email address and the new master password.

More information

Trusted emergency contacts

Trusted emergency contacts must be existing Bitwarden users, or must create a Bitwarden account before they can accept an invitation. Trusted emergency contacts do not need to have premium to be designated as such.

A user's status as a trusted emergency contact is tied to a unique Bitwarden account ID, meaning that if a trusted emergency contact changes their email address there is no reconfiguration required to maintain their emergency access. Likewise, if the emergency access grantor changes their email address, no reconfiguration is required.

If a trusted emergency contact creates a new Bitwarden account and deletes the old account, they will automatically be removed as a trusted emergency contact and must be re-invited.

There is no limit to the number of trusted emergency contacts a user can have.


You can reject an emergency access request by your trusted emergency contact at any time before the configured wait time lapses.

User access

Trusted emergency contacts can be granted one of the following user access levels:

  • View: When an emergency access request is granted, this user is granted view/read access to all items in your individual vault, including passwords of login items and attachments.


    You may revoke access to a trusted emergency contact with view access at any time.

  • Takeover: When an emergency access request is granted, this user must create a master password for permanent read/write access to your vault (this will replace your previous master password). Takeover disables any two-step login methods enabled for the account.

If the grantor is a member of an organization, the grantor will be automatically removed from any organization(s) for which they are not an owner on takeover. Owners will not be removed from or lose permissions to their organization(s), however the master password requirements policy will be enforced on takeover if enabled. Policies that are not usually enforced on owners will not be enforced on takeover.

How it works


The following information references encryption key names and processes that are covered in the Hashing, key derivation, and encryption section. Consider reading that section first.

Emergency access uses public key exchange and encryption/decryption to allow users to give a trusted emergency contact permission to access vault data in a zero knowledge encryption environment:

  1. A Bitwarden user (the grantor) invites another Bitwarden user to become a trusted emergency contact (the grantee). The invitation (valid for only five days) specifies a user access level and includes a request for the grantee's RSA Public Key.

  2. Grantee is notified of the invitation via email and accepts the invitation to become a trusted emergency contact. On acceptance, the grantee's RSA Public Key is stored with the user record.

  3. Grantor is notified of the invitation's acceptance via email and confirms the grantee as their trusted emergency contact. On confirmation, the grantor's User Symmetric Key is encrypted using the grantee's RSA Public Key and stored with the invitation. Grantee is notified of confirmation.

  4. An emergency occurs, resulting in grantee requiring access to grantor's vault. Grantee submits a request for emergency access.

  5. Grantor is notified of the request via email. The grantor may manually approve the request at any time, otherwise the request is bound by a grantor-specified wait time. When the request is approved or the wait time lapses, the Public Key-encrypted User Symmetric Key is delivered to the grantee for decryption with the grantee's RSA Private Key.

    Alternatively, the grantor may reject the request, which will prevent the grantee gaining access as described in the next step. Rejecting a request will not remove the grantee from being a trusted emergency contact or prevent them from making access requests in the future.

  6. Depending on the specified user access level, the grantee will either:

    • Obtain view/read access to items in the grantor's vault.

    • Be asked to create a new master password for the grantor's vault.

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