Cancel a Subscription
Canceling a Bitwarden subscription will result in your account or organization losing access to paid features at the end of the billing cycle. If your subscription is is less than 30 days old, contact us to receive a refund. Canceling a subscription does not automatically delete your account or organization. Learn more.
If you're self-hosting, cancel your subscription from the Bitwarden-hosted web app you created the account on. Learn more.
To cancel a personal subscription:
In the web app, navigate to Settings → Subscription:
Subscription page Take note of the Next charge date. This is when you will lose access to paid features once your subscription is cancelled.
Select the Cancel subscription button.
When you confirm cancelation, your account will move into a Pending cancellation status until the noted Next charge date is reached. When the Next charge date is reached, you will be moved to a free account. Learn what happens when you lose premium.
If you change your mind before the end of the billing cycle, you can Reinstate Subscription with a single button!
To cancel an organization subscription:
In the web app, open the Admin Console using the product switcher:
Product switcher Navigate to Billing → Subscription:
Organization subscription view Take note of the Subscription expiration date. This is when your organization will lose access to paid features once your subscription is cancelled.
Scroll down and select the Cancel subscription button.
When you confirm cancelation, your organization will move into a Pending cancellation status until the noted Subscription expiration date is reached. When the Subscription expiration date is reached, your subscription will end. Learn what happens next.
If you change your mind before the end of the billing cycle, you can Reinstate Subscription with a single button!
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For technical, billing, and product questions, please contact support