Self-hostingInstall & Deploy Guides

AWS EKS Deployment

This article dives into how you might alter your Bitwarden self-hosted Helm Chart deployment based on the specific offerings of AWS and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Note that certain add-ons documented in this article will require that your EKS cluster has at least one node already launched.

Ingress controller

An nginx controller is defined by default in my-values.yaml, and will require an AWS Network Load Balancer. AWS Application Load Balancers (ALB) are not currently recommended as they do not support path rewrites and path-based routing.


The following assumes that you have an SSL certificate saved in AWS Certificate Manager, as you will need a certificate Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

You also must have at least 1 node already running in your cluster.

To connect a Network Load Balancer to your cluster:

  1. Follow these instructions to create an IAM policy and role, and to install the AWS Load Balancer Controller in your cluster.

  2. Run the following commands to setup an ingress controller for your cluster. This will create an AWS Network Load Balancer. Note that there are values you must replace as well as values you can configure to suit your needs in this example command:

    helm repo add ingress-nginx helm repo update helm upgrade ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx -i \ --namespace kube-system \ --set-string controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol'="ssl" \ --set-string controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/aws-load-balancer-cross-zone-load-balancing-enabled'="true" \ --set-string controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/aws-load-balancer-type'="external" \ --set-string controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/aws-load-balancer-nlb-target-type'="instance" \ --set-string controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/aws-load-balancer-scheme'="internet-facing" \ --set-string controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert'="arn:aws:acm:REPLACEME:REPLACEME:certificate/REPLACEME" \ #Replace with the ARN for your certificate --set-string controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-ports'="443" \ --set controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy="Local"

  3. Update your my-values.yaml file according to the following example, making sure to replace any REPLACE placeholders:

    general: domain: "" ingress: enabled: true className: "nginx" ## - Annotations to add to the Ingress resource annotations: "true" "true" /$1 ## - Labels to add to the Ingress resource labels: {} # Certificate options tls: # TLS certificate secret name name: # Handled via the NLB defined in the ingress controller # Cluster cert issuer (ex. Let's Encrypt) name if one exists clusterIssuer: paths: web: path: /(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific attachments: path: /attachments/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific api: path: /api/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific icons: path: /icons/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific notifications: path: /notifications/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific events: path: /events/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific scim: path: /scim/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific sso: path: /(sso/.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific identity: path: /(identity/.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific admin: path: /(admin/?.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific

Create a storage class

Deployment requires a shared storage class that you provide, which must support ReadWriteMany. The following example of how to create a storage class that meets the requirement:


The following assumes that you have an AWS Elastic File System (EFS) created. If you don't create one now. In either case, take note of your EFS' File system ID as you will need it during this process.

  1. Get the Amazon EFS CSI driver add-on for your EKS cluster. This will require that you create an OIDC provider for your cluster and create an IAM role for the driver.

  2. In the AWS CloudShell, replace the file_system_id= "REPLACE" variable in the the following script and run it in the AWS CloudShell:


    The following is an illustrative example, be sure to assign permissions according to your own security requirements.

    file_system_id="REPLACE" cat << EOF | kubectl apply -n bitwarden -f - kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: shared-storage provisioner: parameters: provisioningMode: efs-ap fileSystemId: $file_system_id directoryPerms: "777" # Change for your use case uid: "2000" # Change for your use case gid: "2000" # Change for your use case basePath: "/dyn1" subPathPattern: "\${}" ensureUniqueDirectory: "false" reuseAccessPoint: "false" mountOptions: - iam - tls EOF

  3. Set the sharedStorageClassName value in my-values.yaml to whatever name you give the class in, in this example:

    sharedStorageClassName: "shared-storage"

Using AWS Secrets Manager

Deployment requires Kubernetes secrets objects to set sensitive values for your deployment. While the kubectl create secret command can be used to set secrets, AWS customers may prefer to use AWS Secrets Manager and the AWS Secrets and Configuration Provider (ACSP) for Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver.

You will need the following secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager. Note that you can change the Keys used here but must also make changes to subsequent steps if you do:

  1. Once your secrets are securely stored, install ACSP.

  2. Create a permissions policy to allow access to your secrets. This policy must grant secretsmanager:GetSecretValue and secretsmanager:DescribeSecret permission, for example:

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "secretsmanager:DescribeSecret", "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:REPLACEME:REPLACEME:secret:REPLACEME" } }

  3. Create a service account that has access to your secrets via the created permissions policy, for example:

    CLUSTER_NAME="REPLACE" ACCOUNT_ID="REPLACE" # replace with your AWS account ID ROLE_NAME="REPLACE" # name of a role that will be created in IAM POLICY_NAME="REPLACE" # the name of the policy you created earlier eksctl create iamserviceaccount \ --cluster=$CLUSTER_NAME \ --namespace=bitwarden \ --name=bitwarden-sa \ --role-name $ROLE_NAME \ --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::$ACCOUNT_ID:policy/$POLICY_NAME \ --approve
  4. Next, create a SecretProviderClass, as in the following example. Be sure to replace the region with your region and the objectName with the name of the Secrets Manager secret you created (Step 1):

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n bitwarden -f - apiVersion: kind: SecretProviderClass metadata: name: bitwarden-secrets-manager-csi labels: secrets annotations: spec: provider: aws parameters: region: REPLACE objects: | - objectName: "REPLACE" objectType: "secretsmanager" objectVersionLabel: "AWSCURRENT" jmesPath: - path: installationid objectAlias: installationid - path: installationkey objectAlias: installationkey - path: smtpusername objectAlias: smtpusername - path: smtppassword objectAlias: smtppassword - path: yubicoclientid objectAlias: yubicoclientid - path: yubicokey objectAlias: yubicokey - path: hibpapikey objectAlias: hibpapikey - path: sapassword #-OR- dbconnectionstring if external SQL objectAlias: sapassword #-OR- dbconnectionstring if external SQL secretObjects: - secretName: "bitwarden-secret" type: Opaque data: - objectName: installationid key: globalSettings__installation__id - objectName: installationkey key: globalSettings__installation__key - objectName: smtpusername key: globalSettings__mail__smtp__username - objectName: smtppassword key: globalSettings__mail__smtp__password - objectName: yubicoclientid key: globalSettings__yubico__clientId - objectName: yubicokey key: globalSettings__yubico__key - objectName: hibpapikey key: globalSettings__hibpApiKey - objectName: sapassword #-OR- dbconnectionstring if external SQL key: SA_PASSWORD #-OR- globalSettings__sqlServer__connectionString if external SQL EOF
  5. In your my-values.yaml file, set the following values:

    • secrets.secretName: Set to the secretName defined in your SecretProviderClass (Step 3).

    • secrets.secretProviderClass: Set to the defined in your SecretProviderClass (Step 3).

    • component.admin.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • component.api.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • component.attachments.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • component.icons.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • component.identity.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • component.notifications.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • component.scim.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • component.sso.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • component.web.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • database.podServiceAccount: Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • Set to the name defined for your service account (Step 2).

    • serviceAccount.deployRolesOnly: Set to true.

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