
Ping Identity OIDC Implementation

This article contains Ping Identity specific help for configuring Login with SSO via OpenID Connect (OIDC). For help configuring Login with SSO for another OIDC IdP, or for configuring Ping Identity via SAML 2.0, see OIDC Configuration or Ping Identity SAML implementation.

Configuration involves working simultaneously within the Bitwarden web app and the Ping Identity Administrator Portal. As you proceed, we recommend having both readily available and completing steps in the order they are documented.

Open SSO in the web vault

Log in to the Bitwarden web app and open the Admin Console using the product switcher:


Select SettingsSingle sign-on from the navigation:


If you haven't already, create a unique SSO identifier for your organization. Otherwise, you don't need to edit anything on this screen yet, but keep it open for easy reference.



Create OIDC app

In the Ping Identity Administrator Portal, select Applications and the Icon at the top of the screen to open the Add Application screen:

Ping Identity OIDC App
Ping Identity OIDC App

Add application

  1. Enter a Bitwarden Specific name in the Application Name field. Optionally, add desired description details as needed.

  2. Select the OIDC Web App option and select Save once you have finished.

Configure application

On the Application screen, select the Configuration tab and then the edit button located on the top right hand of the screen.

Ping OIDC Configuration Edit
Ping OIDC Configuration Edit

In the edit screen, fill in the following values retrieved from the Bitwarden Single sign-on screen:

Ping Identity Field


Redirect URIs

Copy and paste the Callback path value retrieved from the Bitwarden Single sign-on page.

Signoff URLs

Copy and Paste the Signed out callback path value retrieved from the Bitwarden Single sign-on page.

Once this step has been completed, select Save and return to the Configuration tab on the Ping Identity Application screen. No other values on this screen require editing.


On the Resources tab of the Ping Identity Application screen, select the edit icon and enable the following allowed scopes:

  • email

  • openid

Back to the web app

At this point, you have configured everything you need within the context of Ping Identity. Return to the Bitwarden web app to configure the following fields:




Enter https://auth.pingone.eu/<TENANT_ID>, where TENANT_ID is the Environment ID on Ping Identity.

Client ID

Enter the App's Client ID retrieved from the Application's Configuration tab.

Client Secret

Enter the Secret Value of the created client secret. Select Generate New Secret on the application's Configuration tab.

Metadata Address

For Ping Identity implementations as documented, you can leave this field blank.

OIDC Redirect Behavior

Select either Form POST or Redirect GET.

Get Claims From User Info Endpoint

Enable this option if you receive URL too long errors (HTTP 414), trusted URLS, and/or failures during SSO.

Additional/Custom Scopes

Define custom scopes to be added to the request (comma-delimited).

Additional/Custom Email Claim Types

Define custom claim type keys for users' email addresses (comma-delimited). When defined, custom claim types are searched for before falling back on standard types.

Additional/Custom Name Claim Types

Define custom claim type keys for users' full names or display names (comma-delimited). When defined, custom claim types are searched for before falling back on standard types.

Requested Authentication Context Class Reference values

Define Authentication Context Class Reference identifiers (acr_values) (space-delimited). List acr_values in preference-order.

Expected "acr" Claim Value in Response

Define the acr Claim Value for Bitwarden to expect and validate in the response.

When you are done configuring these fields, Save your work.



Test the configuration

Once your configuration is complete, test it by navigating to https://vault.bitwarden.com, entering your email address, selecting Continue, and selecting the Enterprise single sign-on button:


Enter the configured organization identifier and select Log In. If your implementation is successfully configured, you will be redirected to the Ping Identity login screen:

Ping Identity SSO
Ping Identity SSO

After you authenticate with your Ping credentials, enter your Bitwarden master password to decrypt your vault!



Next steps




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