Bitwarden Resources

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Get Started with Bitwarden

Ready to get started with Bitwarden today? Start a free trial for your team or set up a free individual account.

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Automate user account provisioning

Easily onboard and manage your entire organization from a centralized admin console. Turn on enterprise policies and provision users automatically by integrating your existing directory service seamlessly.

Trusted open source security and transparency


Open source security

Trust and transparency are essential when it comes to business password management. As an open source password manager, every line of code in Bitwarden can be inspected. Bitwarden is designed to exceed the highest security standards and requirements, so you can rest assured your data is protected and critical business features will perform exactly as expected.


End-to-end encrypted vault

Bitwarden fully encrypts all of your data in a corporate password vault before it ever leaves your device, and only you have access to it. Your vault is sealed with end-to-end AES-256 bit encryption, salted hashing, and PBKDF2 SHA-256 authentication process. Even the Bitwarden team cannot unlock your protected data.


Audits and compliance

In addition to the open source codebase and independent security researchers program, Bitwarden partners with reputable third parties such as Cure53 to conduct regular security audits, cryptographic analysis, and penetration testing. Bitwarden is SOC 2, GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and Data Privacy Framework (DPF) compliant.

Generate, share, and autofill strong passwords and passkeys

Quickly and easily create and manage unique passwords and passkeys on your device wherever you are.

Securely encrypt files or text

Share sensitive information securely such as passwords, credit cards, and personally identifiable information through an end-to-end encrypted link with the Bitwarden Send feature.

Strong credential security with comprehensive compliance

Protect your online data with a password manager you trust. Bitwarden conducts regular third-party security audits and is compliant with GDPR, SOC 2, HIPAA, Data Privacy Framework (DPF), and CCPA standards.

More than a password manager

With Bitwarden, you manage more than usernames and passwords: You securely store and share sensitive data like passkeys, identities, and credit cards. Run private vault reports to identify and address weak or exposed password vulnerabilities.

Password Management Maturity Model


Success Factors

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Password Manager Deployment

Password free-for-all

No password manager processes in place

Decentralized password management

Ad hoc use of browser and other built-in password managers

Some centralized password management

Stand-alone password manager rollout to one team

Rising employee adoption

Company-wide stand-alone password manager rollout initiated

Complete organizational adoption

Company-wide stand-alone password manager rollout complete 

Adoption enablement with mandatory use

Offer family plans as employee benefit

Security Culture

Minimal security awareness

No emphasis on security best practices

Building on the basics 

Limited emphasis on security best practices

Security culture emerging 

Some security training available with limited accountability

Actionable employee awareness

Security training program offered to the entire company with participation metrics

Employees leading security improvements

Security training programs required for the entire company 

Clear channels where employees are encouraged to report suspicious activity

Technical Maturity

Land of do-it-yourself

Sensitive information often shared unencrypted

Isolated solutions

Inconsistent approach to encrypted information

Ad hoc use of 2FA

Coverage underway

Cross-platform coverage across all devices

Enables management of organizations and secure sharing between colleagues

Connected into IT workflows

Directory Services integration

Integrates with SSO

Comprehensive coverage and reporting

Enables passwordless options from biometrics to passkeys

Using APIs with automated scripting for integration with other tools, such as SIEM

Mandatory 2FA

Password Manager Deployment

Password free-for-all

No password manager processes in place

Decentralized password management

Ad hoc use of browser and other built-in password managers

Some centralized password management

Stand-alone password manager rollout to one team

Rising employee adoption

Company-wide stand-alone password manager rollout initiated

Complete organizational adoption

Company-wide stand-alone password manager rollout complete 

Adoption enablement with mandatory use

Offer family plans as employee benefit

Get powerful, trusted password security now. Pick your plan.