See the highlights from the Open Source Security Summit 2024 and explore some of the resources featured from the event.
Go pro with these tips to become a cybersecurity MVP
Tomás Maldonado, CISO at the NFL, and Jeff Greene, executive assistant director of the cybersecurity division at CISA, joined Bitwarden CEO for this fireside chat to delve into best practices, common mistakes, and the breadth of resources available to organizations.
Commonly overlooked areas when establishing security resilience at work and at home
Bree Fowler, senior writer at CNET, led this panel discussion between Schlomo Schapiro, principal engineer at Tektit Consulting, and Bjoern Sjut, managing director or productivity and IT at Front Row, exploring the current trends and challenges of security resilience and employee adoption.
Benefits of open source flexibility for AI
Daniel Miessler, AI expert and founder of Unsupervised Learning, demonstrates how to trust the output from AI systems.
How to up your security game as an individual or a team
Brianna J. Grantham, PhD, founder and executive consultant at BJG Consulting, shared how Bitwarden Password Manager helps her team build a strong security culture.
Keeping your team secure! Getting everyone on board with best practices for 360° security
Chris Clai, director of information security at GTI Grows, shared four keys to creating an approachable team: accessibility, encouragement, education, and collaboration.
Scaling with open source: Supply chain problems in the OSS world
Gergely Brautigam, software engineer at Kubermatic, discussed supply chain challenges in the open source software world and how Bitwarden Secrets Manager can help solve them.
How an open source tech stack enables adaptability and agility in business
Cedric Demers, president at, shares how engaged communities are essential for maximizing the benefits of open source transparency.
Open Source Security Summit featured alumni
Brian Krebs
Alyssa Miller
Steve Wozniak
Eva Galperin
Bruce Schneier
Lisa Plaggemier
Mikko Hypponen
Nicole Perlroth
Kevin Mitnick
Mårten Mickos
Tomás Maldonado
Keren Elazari
Daniel Miessler
Kim Zetter