June 2022 Spotlight: 451 Research Password Management Report
If passwords are the primary target for cybercriminals, then, what are organizations doing to protect employee and business data? The latest enterprise password management study by 451 Research sheds light on this very question.
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- June 2022 Spotlight: 451 Research Password Management Report

To understand enterprise password management preferences and adoption trends, research and advisory firm 451 Research (part of S&P Global Market Intelligence) recently conducted a global study that polled senior enterprise security leaders in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia. According to 51% of U.S. survey respondents, preventing credential theft and account takeover attacks is the top reason for adopting password managers. These findings offer guidance on navigating challenges and strengthening online security in the workplace. Visit our blog to access the full report.

We're thrilled to share that Bitwarden has been recognized as a champion in the 2022 Password Management Emotional Footprint report from SoftwareReviews (a division of Info-Tech Research Group). This report is based entirely on real user reviews and is free of traditional ranking components such as market presence and analyst opinions. Bitwarden received high scores for customer experience, reliability, and product effectiveness. Open the full report to learn more.
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Link Vault Item URLs for Quick Lookup and Sharing
Bitwarden users can now link directly to items within the Web Vault via URLs. This handy new feature offers convenience for team members, administrators, and individual users alike. Here’s how it works – you open up a shared item in your Vault, copy the unique URL for that item in your browser, and voilà! Now you can paste and share that URL with other employees that have access to the item to make collaboration faster and easier. Read the article to learn more.
Add Privacy and Security Using Email Aliases
Bitwarden is introducing new integration options with three popular email forwarding services: SimpleLogin, AnonAddy, and Firefox Relay. Also known as a masked email, an email alias is an address with the purpose of forwarding any message it receives to your personal email. The combination of using email aliases alongside a password manager adds multiple layers of protection online. These new services can now be integrated in your Vault to enhance the level of privacy and security of your account. Read the article to learn more about these new integration options.
Configuring Bitwarden Clients for Offline Access
As long as you remain logged in, Bitwarden will cache a copy of your encrypted vault on your device. This means that even if you lose connectivity, you can still decrypt and access your Vault items. Offline access with Bitwarden is read-only, write access is available while online. Learn more about how to configure your Bitwarden applications for offline access by visiting our blog.
The Bitwarden store is now open so come grab some cool merch! You can check out the store by going to bitwarden.com/shop.

Did you know about this fun fact? Special thanks to u/Korat24 for spreading the 'drag and drop' knowledge with the r/Bitwarden community on Reddit. This is a tip worth saving!

The teams at @TwistWork and @Doist recently released their Async Toolkit which recommends the best tools for asynchronous collaboration and security, including Bitwarden! Check out the toolkit on their website to learn more.

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Until next time,
Team Bitwarden
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