Bitwarden Resources

Bitwarden Enterprise Password Manager Implementation Guide

A resource to help you and your team successfully launch Bitwarden password manager across 4 phases

  1. Ressourcen
  2. Bitwarden Enterprise Password Manager Implementation Guide

Phase 1: Training

Step and Action

Key Person

Help Articles and Links

Step 1: Administrator Training

Example special topics include, but are not limited to:

Considerations for self-hosted environments

Demonstrating the configured SSO login flow

Custom fields

Custom roles

Setting up Bitwarden two-step login (if not configured with the SSO IdP)

Internal training / managers

Bitwarden Learning

Personalized training sessions are also available upon request

Step 2: Team Member Training 

A general training session for end users will cover:

How to Import current passwords into Bitwarden

Bitwarden for all devices

Setting up the Bitwarden Browser Extension

Creating your account

Getting to know the Bitwarden vault

How to use the Bitwarden Password Manager

Bitwarden Send

All levels

Bitwarden Learning

Personalized training sessions are also available upon request

Step 3: Service desk training

Optional dedicated training session to set your service desk team up for success

Service desk, customer success leads

Ongoing Education

All users can take advantage of monthly new and updated learning content in the Bitwarden Learning Center

New users brought on after initial onboarding can take advantage of the live Bitwarden Weekly Demo and Q&A or watch a pre-recorded version

All levels

Bitwarden Learning

Bitwarden Live Weekly Demo

Bitwarden Demo for Teams and Enterprises

Phase 2: Deployment

Step and Action

Key Person

Help Articles and Links

Step 1: Identify Organization Owner

Create a free user account on using the email intended for Organization ownership and administration. The Owner is the super-user that can control all aspects of your organization. Decide if you want the email to be associated with a specific user or a team inbox.

Organization Owner

Step 2: Create Organization

Create a free Organization on Bitwarden Cloud at This will be used for billing purposes even if self-hosted.

Once the free Organization is created, let Bitwarden know and your plan will be upgraded to Enterprise status for you. This is required in order to receive the pricing you’ve been quoted.

Organization Owner


Step 3: Configure Enterprise Policies

Best practice is to enable and configure all policies before user onboarding begins.

Note: Any Policies should be enabled prior to user invitation. The 2FA policy being enabled after user invitation will cause a duplicate of efforts onboarding users

Organization Owners + Admins

Enterprise policies

Step 4: Add additional administrators

Add Administrators to the Organization as needed. We also recommend configuring a second Owner for redundancy.

Organization Owners + Admins

User Management

Step 5: Create Collections for Administrators and users to share

Collections are where secure items are located that are shared with Groups of users. 

Organization Owners + Admins


Step 6: Create Groups for managing users

Creating Groups allows easy assignment of Collections. Please note: If you decide to sync Groups and users from your Identity Provider or Directory Service, you may need to reconfigure user and Group assignments later.

Organization Owners + Admins


Step 7: Assign Collections to Groups to begin sharing passwords

Assign Groups to Collections, making sure to test and demonstrate 'Read Only' and 'Hide Password' options.

Organization Owners + Admins

Member Roles and Permissions

Step 8: Add items to test Collections

Add items manually or import via CSV or JSON from another password management application.

Organization Owners + Admins

Import Data to Your Vault

Step 9: Configure Login with SSO

Create an Organization identifier

Configure to work with SAML 2.0 or OpenID Connect

Organization Owners + Admins

About Login with SSO

Step 10: Verify your Domain

Verify company and/or other email domains to allow your users to skip entering the Organization identifier during the Enterprise SSO process

Organization Owners + Admins, DNS Provider Admin

Domain Verification

Step 11: Ask your users to disable their browser's built-in password manager

Built-in password managers for browsers are more vulnerable to security threats and can interfere with the Bitwarden experience.

All users

Disable a browser's built-in password manager

Integration Engineer (Optional)

Assistance in further structuring the organization's policies, collections and groups.

Organization Owners + Admins



Phase 3: Onboarding

Step and Action

Key Person

Help Articles and Links

Step 1: Determine timeline for rollout to initial wave

Senior leadership / Security teams

Onboarding workflows

Step 2: Create internal messaging / memo about Bitwarden rollout

Check out Bitwarden tutorial videos on Youtube and the Bitwarden 101 video series in the  Learning Center.

Internal training / managers

Bitwarden on YouTube

Step 3: Communicate to internal leaders about Password Management policies

Internal leaders / Security teams

Step 4: Download and login to Bitwarden Client Applications

Download and implement Bitwarden client applications to confirm proper configuration for secure data sharing, and intended Enterprise Policies are working, and the onboarding function is successful.

Note: Some organizations will already have a policy in place to configure clients through device management software.

Note: Self-hosted users will need to set the client's environment:

All users

Install and Sync All of Your Devices

Step 5: Configure Directory Connector or SCIM to invite users

Begin the Directory Connector or SCIM integration provisioning to start inviting users to the organization 

Provide the script to bypass the user acceptance step that can be input within the CLI (optional).

Review secure offboarding procedure

Organization Owners + Admins

About SCIM

About Directory Connector

Step 6: User Account Migration 

Instruct users how to migrate from their current password manager to Bitwarden.

All Users 

Import Data to Your Vault

For larger customers, Bitwarden offers ongoing meetings with Customer Success Engagement Managers and Bitwarden executives

Assistance in any further deployment practices 

Q&A Sessions

Check In Meetings

Organization Owners + Admins + Internal leaders / Security teams



Phase 4: Support, training, feedback, feature requests

Step and Action

Key Person

Help Articles and Links

Ongoing: Billing support requests

Contact Support for expedited billing support assistance

Organization Owners

Bitwarden Help Center

Ongoing: Technical support requests

Contact Support for expedited technical support assistance

All users

Bitwarden Help Center

For larger customers, Bitwarden offers ongoing meetings with a Customer Success Engagement Manager and Bitwarden executives

Regular meetings with Customer Success Engagement Manager 

Periodic meetings with Bitwarden executives and product team 

Review feedback and feature requests from first two months of deployment

Organization owners, admins, project managers, service desk teams, and end users of larger enterprise customers

Additional testing and implementation resources

Critical capabilities for enterprise password management

Set yourself up for enterprise password management evaluation success by incorporating this guide   

Enterprise features list

Features available to Bitwarden enterprise organizations in several categories

Proof-of-concept checklist

Designed by Bitwarden product, implementation, and sales specialists to help guide your business in running a Bitwarden proof-of-concept trial. 

Prepare your trial organization for production

Use this guide to help your business prepare for a production implementation

Test criteria for your free enterprise trial

Bitwarden testing criteria to help your team get the most out of your Enterprise free trial experience. 

Wählen Sie den Tarif, der Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht



pro Monat

Für immer kostenlos

Holen Sie sich einen Bitwarden Datenspeicher

  • Unbegrenzte Geräte
  • Verwaltung von Zugangsschlüsseln
  • Sämtliche Hauptfunktionen
  • Immer kostenlos

Teilen Sie Objekte im Datenspeicher mit anderen Nutzern


Less than$1

pro Monat

10 EUR mit jährlicher Rechnungsstellung

Genießen Sie Premium-Funktionen

  • Bitwaren Authentifikator
  • Dateianhänge
  • Zugang im Notfall
  • Sicherheitsberichte und mehr

Teilen Sie Objekte im Datenspeicher mit anderen Nutzern



pro Monat

Bis zu 6 Nutzer, 40 EUR mit jährlicher Rechnungsstellung

Sichern Sie die Logins Ihrer Familie

  • 6 Premium-Konten
  • Unbegrenztes Teilen
  • Unbegrenzte Sammlungen
  • Speicher für Ihre Organisation

Teilen Sie Datenspeicher-Objekte zwischen sechs Personen

Die angezeigten Preise sind in USD und basieren auf einem Jahresabonnement


Widerstandsfähiger Schutz für wachsende Teams


pro Monat/per Nutzer

Teilen Sie sensible Daten sicher mit Kollegen, über Abteilungen hinweg oder im gesamten Unternehmen

  • Sicherer Datenaustausch
  • Ereignisprotokollüberwachung
  • Verzeichnisintegration

Beinhaltet Premium-Funktionen für alle Benutzer


Erweiterte Funktionen für größere Organisationen


pro Monat/per Nutzer

Nutzen Sie erweiterte Funktionen wie Unternehmensrichtlinien, passwortloses SSO und Kontowiederherstellung.

  • Unternehmensrichtlinien
  • Passwortloses SSO
  • Kontowiederherstellung

Enthält Premium-Funktionen und einen kostenlosen Familientarif für alle Nutzer

Angebot anfordern

Für Unternehmen mit Hunderten oder Tausenden von Mitarbeitenden – fordern Sie ein individuelles Angebot an und erfahren Sie, wie Bitwarden bei Folgendem helfen kann:

Unternehmen mit Hunderten oder Tausenden von Mitarbeitenden können unser Vertriebsteam kontaktieren, um ein individuelles Angebot zu erhalten und zu erfahren, wie Bitwarden Ihr Business unterstützen kann:

  • Verringerung des Risikos im Internet
  • Steigern der Produktivität
  • Nahtlose Integration

Bitwarden lässt sich an jede Unternehmensgröße anpassen und bringt Passwortsicherheit in Ihre Organisation

Die Preise sind in USD angegeben. Der Unternehmenstarif basiert auf einem Jahresabonnement

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