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Der Vermessungsraum

Eine Sammlung von Umfragen zur Passwortverwaltung und Sicherheit für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen

  1. Ressourcen
  2. Der Vermessungsraum

Check out the results of the global World Password Day 2024 survey.

You can learn a lot from data, which is why Bitwarden regularly conducts original, third-party survey research. The data in these surveys represents the opinions of IT decision makers, internet users across the globe, and the Bitwarden community. It also includes grade-based evaluations of federal agencies and businesses from the Bitwarden team.

Topics explored range from enterprise password management preferences to the state of password security among U.S. federal agencies and cybersecurity agencies around the world to the security-friendliness of U.S. social media company password systems.

We encourage you to take your time and read through the blogs, full result reports, and where applicable, presentations. Future surveys and reports will be reflected on this page.

Bitwarden Developer Survey

Developer Secrets Management Poll

451 Research Enterprise Survey

State of Password Security

Password Decisions Survey

World Password Day Global Survey

Data Privacy Day Survey

Industry Leaders Security Rankings

Bitwarden Developer Survey


In the inaugural study, Decoding Tomorrow: Developer Secrets, Security and the Future of Passkeys, Bitwarden surveyed more than 600 developers to understand how they perceive and implement security best practices. The survey also polled attitudes and adoption practices related to IT security technologies and trends, including passwordless authentication, secrets management, and the cybersecurity risks associated with the rise of generative AI.

Risky use of generative AI is pervasive

Key findings:

  • Most (78%) developers identify AI as a security risk, yet they continue to input sensitive credential, financial, and health data into generative AI platforms like ChatGPT.

  • Almost all (91%) developers undergo security training annually, yet over a fifth (21%) engage in risky behavior, such as using public computers to access work data and networks.

  • Close to two-thirds (60%) of developers manage 100 or more secrets; practices like hard-coding secrets in source code (65%) and keeping secrets in clear text (55%) prevail.

  • More than two-thirds (68%) of developers have used passkeys for work applications, yet only 36% believe FIDO2 and passkeys could replace passwords.

  • Over half (55%) of developers spend 5 to 15 hours each week just managing secrets, showing a clear need for solutions to cut down this time.

Check out the resource page or download the slide deck for a more in-depth analysis of the survey results.

“The 2024 developer survey highlights a move towards modern authentication like passkeys in work applications. However, it also shows risky practices continue despite regular security training.

This data underscores the industry-wide challenge of translating security awareness into action.

It's clear there's a need for accessible tools to help the developer community and organizations manage secrets securely, enforce strong authentication, and handle the risks of AI, while keeping innovation on track.”

Bitwarden CEO Michael Crandell

Developer Secrets Management Poll

To gain insights into secrets management practices, challenges, and concerns, Bitwarden surveyed over 100 developers. The poll revealed a rapidly growing need for a secure secrets management solution to help protect privileged credentials, streamline operations, and prevent data breaches.

Secrets sprawl increases risk
Secrets sprawl increases risk

Slide 8, Developer Secrets Management Poll

Key findings:

  • Nearly a quarter (24%) of developers operate without any secrets management solution

  • The vast majority of respondents (81%) report spending 1-5 hours every week managing developer secrets, with 15% spending 5-25 hours

Check out the resource page or download the slide deck to view the full results.

"Nearly half of those who don’t currently use a secrets manager plan to do so, with 35% noting they have not yet done so due to a lack of time and 4% citing difficulty of use and a high learning curve as the primary blocker."

Developer Secrets Management Poll

451 Research Enterprise Password Management Survey

The research and advisory firm 451 Research, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, commissioned a global survey of IT decision makers in 2022 to understand enterprise password management preferences and adoption trends. The study focused on midsize to large enterprises with more than 1,000 employees; 27% of respondents work for organizations with more than 10,000 employees.

Key findings:

  • 57% of respondents used password management and another 15% said they would be adopting password management

  • Almost all (93%) said they were maintaining or increasing their password management budgets

Check out the full results, or read the overview and blog for more details.

Did you know?

Remote work has made password management the most popular security technology, ahead of email security and remote access solutions.

“About two in five (41%) respondents said they do not audit for password strength or reuse."

Page 6, Security Intentions and the Persistence of Passwords

State of Password Security

In 2023, Bitwarden research assessed the state of password security among U.S. federal agencies. Bitwarden devised a Password Security Ratings System, which ranked agencies along a spectrum.

The State of Password Security: How federal agencies are addressing password security

Check out the resource page or view the presentation for more information.

"There are many within the federal government who have a solid educational approach to
password security, and there are others that might need a bit of assistance to modernize."

The State of Password Security 2023

Password Decisions Survey


The third annual Bitwarden 2023 Password Decisions Survey polled independent IT decision-makers across a range of industries who play a key role in enterprise purchasing decisions. Findings showed that security concerns are influencing business decisions.

Most important attributes for a good password manager
Most important attributes for a good password manager

Slide 7, 2023 Password Decisions Survey

Key findings:

  • 49% of respondents are deploying or have plans to deploy passwordless technology

  • A large majority (79%) of IT decision makers want their employer to require employees to use the same password manager across the organization

  • 60% report their organization experienced a cyberattack within the past year

Check out the full results or read the blog for a more in-depth analysis of the survey results.

“Our survey shows businesses are looking beyond passwords and desire new technologies that reflect passwordless workflows, which shouldn’t come as a surprise. While strong and unique passwords are highly effective at safeguarding data, weak or re-used passwords that are not managed by an end-to-end encrypted password manager present serious vulnerabilities. The Bitwarden approach takes into account this evolution but also reflects that adoption timelines vary by company, technology, and end-user preference and that security remains the paramount goal for individuals and enterprises alike.”

Bitwarden CEO Michael Crandell, 2023 Password Decisions Survey


The second annual Bitwarden 2022 Password Decisions Survey polling 400 IT decision makers in the U.S. found that passwords had gone mainstream - but overall password practices reveal security vulnerabilities.

Password sharing methods
Password sharing methods

Slide 6, Password Decisions Survey 2022

Key findings:

  • 86% report password managers are being used within their organization

  • Almost all (92%) reuse passwords across multiple sites

Check out the full results and read the blog for details.

Did you know?

A surprising 42% of IT decision makers still rely on memory to manage passwords.

"Nearly half (41%) of respondents share passwords over chat and 31% share passwords in conversation."

Password Decisions Survey 2022


In the midst of the remote work transformation, the Bitwarden 2021 Passwords Decisions Survey polled 400 U.S.-based IT decision makers about their password preferences and the challenges and opportunities of security best practices.

Password reuse unfortunately continues
Password reuse unfortunately continues

Slide 9, Password Decisions Survey 2021

Key findings:

  • 77 percent are using documents, spreadsheets, or a notepad to keep track of passwords

  • 80 percent want their employers to mandate the practice of using a password manager

Check out the full results and blog.

"Contrary to what some may guess, 80 percent want their employers to mandate the practice of using a password manager. The Post-It note approach may be fading in popularity as 75 percent of respondents say employers already do require this."

Elizabeth Baier, Bitwarden introduces 2021 Password Decisions Survey

World Password Day Global Survey


The fourth annual World Password Day Survey examines password security habits at home and in the workplace, assesses the perceived impacts of phishing and AI on online security, and captures user sentiment towards passkey adoption as an emerging authentication method. Over 2,400 internet users from the US, UK, Australia, France, Germany, and Japan were polled.

workplace security habits need work

Slide 20, World Password Day 2024 Survey

Key findings:

  • Almost a third of respondents (32%) feel unprepared or uncertain about defending against AI-enhanced cyber threats

  • 37% view their workplace security habits as risky, with notable percentages storing passwords insecurely (35%) or using weak credentials (39%), indicating areas for improvement in organizational cybersecurity practices

  • Although 45% of global respondents are adopting passkeys, there is a lack of understanding (41% are “not very well informed” or “not at all") about the privacy and security benefits of passkeys

Check out the full results and resource page.

"80% of respondents say they use 2FA for personal accounts, compared to only 66% the previous year. Just 7% say they are not sure what 2FA is - a substantial decrease from 22% last year."

World Password Day Survey 2024


For the third annual World Password Day Survey, Bitwarden surveyed over 2,000 internet users globally (United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, and Japan) on their password security practices. Additionally, the 2023 survey included questions about passwordless technology.

World Password Day Survey 2023: People still use common phrasing for passwords

Slide 7, World Password Day 2023 Survey

Key findings:

  • 56% are excited about passwordless authentication options such as biometrics, passkeys, or security keys

  • Best practices are still diluted by bad habits, with 85% reusing passwords across multiple sites and 58% relying on memory for their passwords

  • 52% use easily identifiable information in their passwords, such as company/brand names, well-known song lyrics, pet names, and names of loved ones

Check out the full results.

"19% of respondents have used the word ‘password’ (or another common variation of the word) as their password. A simple way to eliminate this risk? Put that energy into creating a strong and unique master password and let your password manager do the remaining password creation work."

World Password Day Survey 2023


Coinciding with World Password Day, Bitwarden again conducted a global survey of internet users to understand the state of password management. The survey polled over 2,000 respondents in five countries: the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and Australia.

World Password Day Survey 2022: People still rely on memory to remember passwords
World Password Day Survey 2022: People still rely on memory to remember passwords

Slide 22, World Password Day 2022 Survey

Key findings:

  • Almost one fifth (21%) reset their passwords every day or multiple times a week

  • A majority (84%) reuse passwords across more than 1 site

Check out the full results or read the blog.

"Almost all (90%) of global respondents are ‘somewhat’ or ‘very’ familiar with password security best practices - but does being familiar mean putting into practice? Not quite."

The Second Annual Bitwarden World Password Day Survey


Leading up to World Password Day 2021, Bitwarden conducted a global survey of internet users to understand the state of password management. The survey polled over 1600 respondents in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia.

World Password Day Survey 2021 - Password Resets
World Password Day Survey 2021 - Password Resets

Slide 7, World Password Day Survey 2021

Key findings:

  • A quarter (24%) have been affected by a data breach in the last 18 months

  • The majority (59%) rely on their memory to remember passwords

Check out the full results and blog.

Did you know?

In the United States, 33% of respondents said that they had been affected by a data breach in the last 18 months - which is the highest percentage of all countries polled.

"To deliver password security to everyone, we recognize and believe that password management for individuals can and should be free. This belief is deeply rooted in our mission at Bitwarden to serve the global community with software that can help everyone take control of their digital identity."

Gary Orenstein, Sharing Global Password Management Survey Results in Advance of World Password Day

Data Privacy Day Survey


The fourth annual Data Privacy Week survey saw some notable changes in the favorite privacy-centric tools recommended by the Bitwarden community. Over 3,000 users shared their app recommendations and thoughts about the challenges facing data privacy more broadly.

Data Privacy Week 2024 - Survey Standouts
Data Privacy Week 2024 - Survey Standouts

Key findings:

  • The Bitwarden Authenticator was the #1 choice for favorite authenticator with 28% of the vote, overtaking the previously held top spots from Authy, Aegis, and Yubico

  • 90% of the Bitwarden community feels some concern about how generative AI will make data privacy more difficult

  • 74% of users favor uBlock Origin as their favorite ad-blocker

Check out the full results and read the blog for more information.


For the third annual Data Privacy Week survey, Bitwarden polled the Bitwarden community on its favorite privacy-centric tools. Over 2,700 users were surveyed.

Data Privacy Day 2023 - Favorite Secure Email Alias
Data Privacy Day 2023 - Favorite Secure Email Alias

Key findings:

  • Brave is catching up: this year Brave secured 40% of the vote for favorite secure browser, but Firefox remains the #1 pick with 45% of the vote

  • 37% favor SimpleLogin as their favorite secure email alias, but there are several other popular options as well

  • Selected by 52%, DuckDuckGo is the most popular search engine

Check out the full results.


For the second year in a row, Bitwarden polled the Bitwarden community on its favorite data privacy apps. Over 1,800 users were surveyed.

Data Privacy Day 2022 - Survey Standouts
Data Privacy Day 2022 - Survey Standouts

Key findings:

  • 63% favor ProtonMail as the privacy-first email provider of choice

  • In a sign of the times, 24% selected Jitsi as the #1 video conferencing tool

Check out the full results.


Inspired by Data Privacy Day in 2021, Bitwarden polled the Bitwarden community about its favorite data privacy-oriented apps. Over 700 Bitwarden users were surveyed.

Data Privacy Day Survey 2021 - Messaging Apps
Data Privacy Day Survey 2021 - Messaging Apps

Slide 6, Data Privacy Day Survey 2021

Key findings:

  • Firefox rules: an overwhelming 49% chose Firefox as their favorite browser, with Brave second at 19%

  • Selected by 60%, Signal is #1 messaging app

Check out the full results.

"Data Privacy Day is an international effort that takes place every year on January 28th. The goal is to inspire dialogue and empower individuals and companies to respect privacy, safeguard data, and enable trust."

Baylor Randolph, Data Privacy Day

Industry Leaders Security Rankings

Social Media Edition

Relying on an end user research-driven approach, Bitwarden research evaluated the security-friendliness of the top 5 (defined by number of users) U.S. social media company password systems. The assessment includes a grade for each of the platforms evaluated.

Check out the blog to see how the leading companies in the U.S. scored.

Banking Edition

Relying on the same end user research-driven approach, Bitwarden research evaluated the security-friendliness of the top 5 (ranked by assets held) U.S. banks. The assessment includes a grade for each of the top platforms evaluated.

Check out the blog to see how the leading banks in the U.S. scored.

E-Commerce Edition

Following the same end user research-driven approach, we recently explored e-commerce. We narrowed our research list to the top 5 e-commerce sites in the United States ranked by total web traffic, which we identified as Amazon; eBay; Walmart; Craigslist; and Etsy.

Check out the blog to see how the top e-commerce sites performed.

Streaming Services Edition

Following the same end user research-driven approach, we recently explored streaming services. So, how are streaming services enabling (or not) the password security postures of their customers?

Check out the blog to find out how the top streaming services scored.

Personal Email Services Edition

Nearly everyone uses a personal email service, which is why it’s particularly important that email services easily utilize strong and unique passwords. Is your personal email service password-friendly?

Check out the blog to find out how the most popular email services scored.

Health and Fitness Apps

Fitness app revenue skyrocketed between 2016 and 2021, no doubt in part due to pandemic-induced gym closures. But do fitness applications allow consumers to easily utilize strong and unique passwords?

Check out the blog to find out how the most popular health and fitness apps scored.

"Experts advise passwords be strong and unique, with strength being best determined by randomness and length (such as 14 characters or more) ... since 'Short passwords are far more susceptible to a brute force attack, where a computer or malicious software program goes through every 8-digit combination (or more) of characters until it finds a match.'"

Industry Leaders Security Rankings: Social Media Edition

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Bitwarden Assessment of the DOC's Password Security

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Unternehmen mit Hunderten oder Tausenden von Mitarbeitenden können unser Vertriebsteam kontaktieren, um ein individuelles Angebot zu erhalten und zu erfahren, wie Bitwarden Ihr Business unterstützen kann:

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