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- Beveilig uw bedrijf met Bitwarden en Duo
Businesses rely on third-party applications and software as a service (SaaS) products as a part of operations to increase productivity and efficiency. As SaaS products become more common, so have cyber attacks targeting these accounts and the employees that utilize them. These attacks could potentially result in the leakage of sensitive information and disruption to operations, causing harm to businesses and their customers.
In the 2023 Password Decisions Survey, 60% of respondents reported that they were the target of a cyberattack. A combination of defenses, like Bitwarden Password Manager, multi-factor authentication, and single sign-on, helps reduce risk of successful attacks by hardening access to critical systems. These provide multiple levels of authentication and tools to create, store, and share strong passwords for all departments of a company and deflect credential stuffing, phishing, and ransomware attacks, keeping your business secure.
To provide this enhanced security, Bitwarden integrates with Duo for multiple solutions: Duo MFA for two-step login, and Duo SSO for Login with SSO.
To further protect credentials maintained within an organization vault, Bitwarden supports Duo MFA for two-step login, also known as two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA). Duo MFA can be used both individually and enacted across the Bitwarden organization with the applicable Enterprise Policy, ensuring secure two-step login for all employees.

Benefits of Bitwarden and Duo MFA
Protection against stolen passwords, phishing attempts, and social engineering.
Strengthen overall enterprise security by protecting passwords and logins within Bitwarden secured by Duo MFA.
Deploy for individuals or the entire organization.
Quick and easy setup.
Using Login with SSO with Bitwarden provides additional convenience and security for credentials throughout the organization. Duo SSO with Bitwarden allows for secure authentication into Bitwarden accounts and by extension, the stored credentials within, providing full oversight and control of the tools and applications that teams are using. Bitwarden is compatible with Duo through SAML 2.0 or OpenID Connect (OIDC). To maintain zero-knowledge encryption, Bitwarden separates authentication and decryption into two discrete steps: authentication through Duo, then decryption and vault access through a Bitwarden master password. As a result, decryption keys never pass through Bitwarden or Duo servers.

Benefits of Bitwarden and Duo SSO
SSO provides a reduction of the number of passwords and credentials needed by employees, decreasing the surface area of a potential cyberattack.
SSO security is extended to credentials stored within a Bitwarden vault.
Easy integration into existing workflows without disruption.
Additional security options for user authentication.
The Bitwarden and Duo integration brings additional security to businesses and teams in two ways: as a form of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and as a Single Sign-On (SSO) provider. In addition, the MFA functionality can be used for individuals and also enforced across the organization. Using just one or both integrations can drastically improve your business’s security posture, and deploying the solutions is simple and straightforward.
Looking to learn more? Check out the Bitwarden Help Center and documentation or contact sales directly!
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Veerkrachtige bescherming voor groeiende teams
per maand/per gebruiker, jaarlijkse rekening
Deel gevoelige gegevens veilig met collega's, afdelingen of het hele bedrijf
- Gegevens veilig delen
- Gebeurtenislogboekbewaking
- Gidsintegratie
- SCIM-ondersteuning
Inclusief premium functies voor alle gebruikers
Geavanceerde mogelijkheden voor grotere organisaties
per maand/per gebruiker, jaarlijkse rekening
Gebruik geavanceerde functies zoals bedrijfsbeleid, SSO zonder wachtwoord en accountherstel.
- Bedrijfsbeleid
- Wachtwoordloze SSO
- Account herstellen
- Zelf-host optie
Inclusief premium functies en gratis gezinsplan voor alle gebruikers
Een offerte aanvragen
Voor bedrijven met honderden of duizenden werknemers, neem contact op met de verkoopafdeling voor een offerte op maat en ontdek hoe Bitwarden kan helpen:
- Cyberbeveiligingsrisico's verminderen
- Productiviteit verhogen
- Naadloos integreren
Bitwarden schaalt met elk formaat bedrijf om wachtwoordbeveiliging naar uw organisatie te brengen
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