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- February 2025 Spotlight: Just Released! Bitwarden Security Readiness Kit
Security readiness kit
Don’t let lost login info lock you out. The Bitwarden security readiness kit helps keep your most important information safe and accessible. Download the template, fill it out, and store it securely, whether in an encrypted file, a thumb drive that lives in a safe, bank deposit box, or at a trusted relative’s house. A simple step today can save you a major headache tomorrow.
How to protect against ransomware
Part of maintaining good security is to use a password manager, ensuring there are no cracks in your defenses. Strong passwords are wonderful, but do you also have multi-factor authentication set up? Be sure your passwords are strong and unique, and at least 15 characters long. Go through these ransomware quick tips for more ideas on how to keep your home and office safe.
Bring Bitwarden to work
Love using Bitwarden at home? Bring that same security and convenience to the office with easy access to logins, corporate cards, and more all in one place. Ready to get rid of the password chaos and make work easier? Bitwarden can help!
PRF WebAuthn and its role in passkeys
Bitwarden uses the latest WebAuthn PRF extension to enhance passkey functionality. This emerging standard allows users to access their vaults effortlessly without compromising security. See how PRF is revolutionizing passwordless authentication.
Password manager tips for iPhone
Start with a 101 guide on how to set Bitwarden up on iOS. Then, set Bitwarden as your default password manager, which prevents Apple from automatically trying to save all your passwords. From there, learn how to autofill passwords or start using passkeys.
Password manager tips for Android
Whether you’re just getting started with Bitwarden on your Android device or you need extra tips, we’ve got guides. See how to autofill on Android or start using passkeys on your phone.
Travel smarter with Bitwarden
Have you added your passport number to your vault for easy access when tax-free shopping? Or maybe you want to securely share your hotel or locker code with your travel partner. This one-minute Japan travel video showcases the awesome ways Bitwarden password manager can make your travels safer and easier.
Start your digital estate planning
A tough, but necessary conversation to have: if a family member passed away today, would you be able to access important accounts? This short digital estate planning segment will help guide you through what information should be stored in the vault, how to ensure someone is able to access it, and more.
Recent product updates to know about
Get up to speed on all the password manager recent product updates. This short segment updates on web app device approvals and inline autofill TOTP codes. Plus, there are five new browser UI customizations available that allow users to play with workflows from the original UI.
Essential tips from a Bitwarden fan
Security and privacy researcher Sooraj Sathyanarayanan crafted this stellar Bitwarden security guide that he describes as “the essentials and some pro-level tricks to make your account a fortress.”
A fan favorite on social media: How long should a password be?
The ultimate guide to passwords covering length, character types, randomness, and more. Check out this colorful infographic from the guide that reveals how quickly weak passwords can be cracked versus those built to last a lifetime (or longer!). Are your passwords strong enough to last centuries?
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- Cyberbeveiligingsrisico's verminderen
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