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December 2023 Spotlight: Happy New Year from Bitwarden!

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  2. December 2023 Spotlight: Happy New Year from Bitwarden!

Reflecting on 2023: A Year of Security Milestones

Many new features and milestones were made possible with support from the Bitwarden Community. Here are some highlights:

Bitwarden Password Manager

  • Bitwarden on Apple Watch

    . Use Apple Watch to access TOTP login codes

  • SSO with trusted devices

    . Authenticate using SSO and decrypt your vault without entering a master password

  • Save passkeys to your vault

    . Store and log in with passkeys using the Bitwarden browser extension

  • FIDO2 WebAuthn now a free two-step login option

    . Every Bitwarden user can now use passkeys and hardware keys as 2FA

Bitwarden Secrets Manager

New Year, New Features: What's in Store for January? 

Heading into January here’s what to expect:

Bitwarden Password Manager

  • Inline auto-fill

  • Login with passkeys

  • Browser account switching 

Bitwarden Secrets Manager

  • Ansible integration

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More Bits and Bites

Is improving digital security part of your New Year’s resolution? Here are a few article suggestions to start the year right:

 Cybersecurity tips for employees

The average employee likely stores, manages, and transmits large amounts of data throughout the day. This might be done via email or when logging into enterprise-wide applications. Given that, employees are often a prime target for cybercriminals. This article provides a few simple and straightforward cybersecurity tips for employees to help them stay safe online. 

 How to share sensitive information securely

From passwords, identities, credit cards, and more, your password manager has you covered for creating and saving strong and unique passwords. However, many password managers can do quite a bit more. Not only can you store that sensitive information, you can also share it with colleagues, family, friends, and just about anyone who needs it. Read this brief guide on utilizing Bitwarden Send.

The most effective strategy for achieving password strength

While coming up with a strong and unique password may sound straightforward enough, it can be a challenge when creating passwords for tens and in some cases, hundreds, of accounts and applications. This blog post discusses solutions available for the security-conscious to gauge the strength of their passwords

 Self-host Bitwarden in Kubernetes

Kubernetes has become a cornerstone in modern cloud computing, able to orchestrate complex container architectures efficiently. Learn about how customers can add Bitwarden to their Kubernetes deployment in this article.

Community Spotlight

Best of the Bitwarden Community in 2023

Bitwarden values the contributions of the community. Here are a few posts that stood out in the past year.

Community member u/Altruistic_Garlic_51 describes how the Bitwarden password history feature saved their day.

Today BW saved my life
Today BW saved my life

Bitwarden authenticator or a separate app? This Reddit user discusses both two options and comes to a smart conclusion for everyone - add 2FA for all your accounts!

Using BW for TOTP
Using BW for TOTP

You’ve been hacked - what next? In this post, Reddit user djasonpenney discusses how to handle potential hacking incidents.

So you think you have been hacked
So you think you have been hacked

Bitwarden 101

Check out Bitwarden 101 for a short video series on how to get started with Bitwarden Password Manager as an administrator or end user.

We'd like to thank the Bitwarden Community for helping us rank first in the Summer and Fall 2023 Enterprise Grid Report. If you would like to leave an honest review (and receive a $25 Amazon gift card in return), you can do so here.

Join an Upcoming Event

  • Vault Hours

    January 26 at 8 am PST

    Live conversations, feedback, and questions with the Bitwarden team.

That’s it for now. For more product updates and online security tips, visit the Bitwarden blog.

Until next time,

Team Bitwarden

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Bitwarden のボールトを取得

  • 無制限のデバイス
  • パスキー管理
  • すべてのコア機能
  • いつも無料

ボールトのアイテムを他の 1 人のユーザーと共有する


Less than$1




  • Bitwarden 認証器
  • ファイル添付
  • 緊急アクセス
  • セキュリティ レポートなど

ボールトのアイテムを他の 1 人のユーザーと共有する




最大 6 ユーザー、年間 $40 請求されます


  • 6 つのプレミアムアカウント
  • 無制限の共有
  • 無制限のコレクション
  • 組織のストレージ

ボールトのアイテムを 6 人で共有する

表示されている価格は USD で、年間購読に基づいています






  • セキュアなデータ共有
  • イベントログ監視
  • ディレクトリ統合






エンタープライズ ポリシー、パスワードなしの SSO、アカウントの回復などの高度な機能を利用する。

  • 容易なオンボーディング
  • パスワードレスSSO
  • アカウント回復

すべてのユーザー向けのプレミアム機能と補完的なファミリー プランが含まれる


数百人または数千人の従業員を持つ企業のために、カスタム見積もりを取得するために営業に連絡し、Bitwarden がどのように役立つかを確認してください:

  • サイバーセキュリティ リスクを軽減する
  • 生産性を向上させる
  • シームレスに統合する

Bitwarden は、パスワードのセキュリティを貴組織にもたらすために、どんな規模のビジネスにも対応する。

表示される価格は USD です。エンタープライズプランは年間購読に基づいている。

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