Bitwarden Resources

Bitwarden Teams Trial Guide

A step-by-step guide to get the most out of your free Teams trial.

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  2. Bitwarden Teams Trial Guide

Improve online collaboration with team password management

By starting a Bitwarden trial, your team is taking the first step towards powerful, secure collaboration. With a library of help documentation, 24/7 customer support, and live training, Bitwarden is here to support you along the way.

Ready to start your free trial?
Get started now >

Once you create your Teams Organization, get started in four easy steps.

  1. Save Your Master Password
    Your master password is the primary method for accessing your personal and organizational vault. Be sure to use a strong and unique master password and store it in a safe place outside of your Bitwarden vault.

  2. Invite Key Users
    Invite key users such as system administrators and product owners to join your team organization. Easily send user invites from within the management tab of your team's vault.

  3. Organize with Collections
    Collections let you organize vault items and share them securely with individual users or groups. Create a collection from within the organization management tab.

  4. Create and Import Vault Items
    Create or import new vault items and organize them by collection. Items can include logins, credit cards, identity information, or secure notes. You can easily import items for a fast and easy migration from another password management solution with Bitwarden import guides.

Pre-onboarding tips

Set a secure foundation for your team

  1. Create User Groups
    Simplify access management with user groups. Groups empower you to easily share collections with sets of specific users, like a team, managers, and admins. Visit the management section of your organization to get started.

  2. Enable Two-Step Login
    Before onboarding end-users, activate two-step login to strengthen cybersecurity within your team. Bitwarden supports a variety of two-step login methods, including Duo Security which prompts all enrolled members of your Organization to register a device upon login.

  3. Customize User Roles
    When adding new users, set customized permissions by designating their user type and access control. Manually invite users from the management tab or automatically provision accounts through the Bitwarden Directory Connector.

Top features and benefits

Put these top features for teams to the test

Vault Health Reports

Gain insight into exposed, weak, and reused passwords, unsecured websites, data breaches, and more.  

Share with Anyone

Use Bitwarden Send to securely share encrypted information directly with anyone. 

Event and Audit Logs

Get an overview of user activity with exportable and timestamped event logs of your organization vault.  

User Access Control

Set user permissions to access, edit or read items within a collection.

Two-Step Login

Enhance security by requiring end-users to use a two-step login method to access their vaults. 

Directory Sync

Provision and deprovision accounts easily by connecting your existing directory service to your Bitwarden organization. 

API Access

Automate the management of members, collections, groups, event logs, and policies through the Bitwarden public API.

Training & Priority Support

Access training for owners, admins, and end-users, and get 24/7 priority support whenever you need it.

Explore the full list of Bitwarden business features here (note: some features may only be available in the Enterprise plan).

Training and Deployment

Set the stage for a successful deployment across your team

  1. Join a live training or watch on-demand
    Our weekly live demos and on-demand training options are a great place for you and your employees to build expertise.

  2. Educate users and set clear expectations
    Educate end-users about the importance of adopting secure password practices (both at home and in the workplace) and communicate the steps in the deployment process so they can better prepare for change.

  3. Take advantage of the Help Center
    The Help Center is your go-to destination for answers to your Bitwarden questions, and join the Bitwarden Community forums to share knowledge and tips with other security-minded users.

Kies het plan dat bij uw behoeften past



per maand

Altijd gratis

Een Bitwarden-kluis krijgen.

  • Onbeperkte apparaten
  • Beheer van wachtwoordcode
  • Alle kernfuncties
  • Altijd gratis

Kluisitems met één andere gebruiker delen


Less than$1

per maand

$10 jaarlijkse rekening

Geniet van premium functies

  • Bitwarden-authenticator
  • Bestand bijlagen
  • Noodtoegang
  • Veiligheidsrapporten en meer

Kluisitems met één andere gebruiker delen



per maand

Tot 6 gebruikers, $40 jaarlijkse rekening

Inloggegevens van uw gezin beveiligen

  • 6 premium-accounts
  • Onbeperkt delen
  • Onbeperkte collecties
  • Opslag van de organisatie

Kluisitems tussen zes personen delen

Prijzen weergegeven in USD en gebaseerd op een jaarabonnement


Veerkrachtige bescherming voor groeiende teams


per maand/per gebruiker, jaarlijkse rekening

Deel gevoelige gegevens veilig met collega's, afdelingen of het hele bedrijf

  • Gegevens veilig delen
  • Gebeurtenislogboekbewaking
  • Gidsintegratie

Inclusief premium functies voor alle gebruikers


Geavanceerde mogelijkheden voor grotere organisaties


per maand/per gebruiker, jaarlijkse rekening

Gebruik geavanceerde functies zoals bedrijfsbeleid, SSO zonder wachtwoord en accountherstel.

  • Bedrijfsbeleid
  • Wachtwoordloze SSO
  • Account herstellen

Inclusief premium functies en gratis gezinsplan voor alle gebruikers

Een offerte aanvragen

Voor bedrijven met honderden of duizenden werknemers, neem contact op met de verkoopafdeling voor een offerte op maat en ontdek hoe Bitwarden kan helpen:

  • Cyberbeveiligingsrisico's verminderen
  • Productiviteit verhogen
  • Naadloos integreren

Bitwarden schaalt met elk formaat bedrijf om wachtwoordbeveiliging naar uw organisatie te brengen

Prijzen weergegeven in USD. Bedrijfsplan gebaseerd op jaarabonnement

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