Juli 2021 Spotlight: Aankondigingen van de nieuwste release en het Bitwarden Essentials Trainingsprogramma
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- Juli 2021 Spotlight: Aankondigingen van de nieuwste release en het Bitwarden Essentials Trainingsprogramma
The newest Bitwarden release includes Admin Password Reset, Password Reprompt, Event Log Exports, and new Bulk Actions for enterprise users. Explore more details in these release announcements.
We’ve also kicked off a new Bitwarden Essentials training program covering Introduction to Bitwarden, Power Users Training, and Admin Training.
Sign up for an upcoming session!
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Building a security culture starts by developing and sticking to a healthy security routine. Leverage your password manager health reports consistently to check your personal and workplace accounts. To learn more, read this article.
In June, Bitwarden released Admin Password Reset, allowing Enterprise Plan administrators to reset forgotten user passwords. It maintains a zero-knowledge encryption model while enhancing scalability. Read the blog here.

Our new help note lists the best shortcuts for browsers and desktop applications. Learn how to more swiftly CTRL your next actions with Bitwarden.

It’s Time to Update Your LinkedIn Password
A recent LinkedIn breach exposed personally identifiable information of more than 92% of users. While passwords are not part of the breach, it’s not a bad idea to update your LinkedIn password and enable 2FA like you might have done for Twitter back in 2020. To learn more about the breach, read this article.

New Webcast: An Employee Security Training Starter Kit
Friday, July 9th, 9 am PST/12 noon EST
This session covers security awareness training basics and aligns with what we use at Bitwarden.
You play an important role in contributing to a world free of breaches and hacks by sharing your knowledge and experience. Here are a couple of recent fan-favorite posts.
A Tweet and Medium Post on Storing TOTP/2FA Codes

A ProtonMail Post on Easier Internet Security

That’s it for now. Let us know what you think about this newsletter including potential topics you’d like to see.
Until next time,
Team Bitwarden
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