Bitwarden 2024 Cybersecurity Pulse Survey
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- Bitwarden 2024 Cybersecurity Pulse Survey
Bitwarden partnered with Researchscape International to survey over 1,100 IT and cybersecurity leaders across various industries, revealing the latest cybersecurity trends and threats. This year’s findings underscore rising concerns about generative AI risks, third-party supply chain vulnerabilities, and sophisticated social engineering tactics.
Despite increasingly advanced threats, consensus remains clear: mastering cybersecurity fundamentals, starting with strong password habits, is the best defense. IT decision makers agree that password managers remain a critical part of their security strategy, both at work and at home.
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An overwhelming majority (92%) of respondents moderately or strongly agree that password managers are essential to their organization’s cybersecurity strategy.
63% of respondents agree that, without a password manager, their IT teams would struggle to teach and enforce best practices across their organizations.
79% of respondents have recommended using a password manager to family members, underscoring the universal benefits of this tool.

Passwordless authentication is also popular in the workplace - just 3% of respondents reported using no form of passwordless authentication at their company.
89% of respondents expressed concern over the security risks associated with employees incorporating generative AI into their daily workflows.
63% find it moderately or very challenging to maintain a strong security posture as more employees use generative AI tools.

Learn more about how organizations can balance innovation and data security in the age of AI in this free eBook.
96% of business leaders discuss cybersecurity at least every month, and nearly half talk about it daily or multiple times a day.
55% of respondents expressed high concern about third-party supply chain attacks originating from vendors, partners, or customers.

Impersonation-based phishing attempts come in many forms; 46% of respondents reported receiving a phishing scam posing as their bank, 41% as their financial institution, and 36% as a government entity.
92% of companies have invested in cybersecurity training for their employees on best practices to identify and defend against social engineering scams.

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Social engineering tactics are getting smarter