Bitwarden Resources

November 2023 Spotlight : Tout juste sorti de presse - L'auto-hébergement d'entreprise est désormais disponible

Lisez la lettre d'information de novembre pour connaître les dernières nouvelles de Bitwarden.

  1. Ressources
  2. November 2023 Spotlight : Tout juste sorti de presse - L'auto-hébergement d'entreprise est désormais disponible
Balancing Security and Innovation
Balancing Security and Innovation

It's not a question of if AI is a threat to your data. It's a question of how serious the threat is and if your IT team is prepared. Our new eBook, Balancing Security and Innovation in the Age of AI, presents findings from our recent survey of 710 IT professionals to help address the dilemma of balancing innovation while staying secure.

Log into Bitwarden with a passkey
Log into Bitwarden with a passkey

Following the most recent January release, all Bitwarden users can now log into their web vaults with a passkey, without typing in a username or password. Passkeys are stronger and more secure than passwords, cannot be guessed, and are resistant to phishing. Learn how this beta implementation allows passkeys to be used as part of the encryption process, providing convenience and end-to-end encryption. 

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More Bits and Bites

Switch between Bitwarden accounts quickly and easily

The Bitwarden Password Manager browser extension, desktop, and mobile apps can quickly switch between Bitwarden accounts, with multiple accounts logged in at once. Refer to our brief how-to and FAQs for more information.

Survey Findings: Security Perceptions in the Age of AI

Bitwarden partnered with The Starr Conspiracy research firm to poll 710 IT professionals to understand security perceptions in the age of AI. The findings show a significant gap between how secure IT professionals feel and their actual security posture. Get the full report.

Stay secure with Vault Health Reports in the Bitwarden Password Manager

Are any of your passwords being used across multiple sites? Have you ever wondered if a password of yours has been exposed or found to be part of a data breach? How would you go about finding out all of this information? If your password manager of choice is Bitwarden, those details are at your fingertips. In this guide, read about how the information offered in the Bitwarden Reports section can ensure your general digital security. 

Evolving trends in secrets management

A rapid evolution in secrets management is underway as businesses look to speed and secure DevOps pipelines, mitigate the increased number of applications and ecosystems used by developers, and prevent secret-related data breaches. Check out the presentation for insight into the evolving trends in secrets management.

Secure your business with a team password manager

With so many businesses operating remotely, IT business leaders need to be even more diligent about fostering strong security practices. Get more information about what a team password manager is and why it is beneficial to remote employees.

Mark Your Calendar with These Cybersecurity Awareness Holidays

No matter what time of year, it’s important to take action to keep ourselves and others safe online, through backing up data, securing your passwords, and more. Take a look at these cybersecurity holidays that highlight important ways to stay safe.

Titanom Technologies protects developer secrets with Bitwarden Secrets Manager

In this case study, learn about how educational software company Titanom Technologies bolstered developer security and increased productivity by deploying Bitwarden Secrets Manager.

Community Spotlight

To be secure in the online world, we need each other. That is why the global community is key to the Bitwarden mission of achieving security for all. This month's newsletter spotlights a user story that reminds us of the importance of storing your master password in a safe place, and adding an emergency contact just in case. 

forgot master password
forgot master password

Join Bitwarden Live

Cybersecurity according to a hacker - Webcast - Feb. 29th - VIP Protection in the Digital Age: Cybersecurity According to a Hacker
Cybersecurity according to a hackerWebcast - Feb. 29th - VIP Protection in the Digital Age: Cybersecurity According to a Hacker

Join ethical hacker and CEO Rachel Tobac for a fireside chat on the VIP's guide to staying safe online - plus a live hack demo! During this webcast event, you will learn how to be aware of social engineering attacks and ways to prevent them, and the best practices for ongoing digital safety and security in the face of threats. Save your seat!

More Upcoming Events

  • Weekly Live Demo: Every Wednesday at 9 am PST
    Join us for a live walkthrough of the Bitwarden Password Manager business features and capabilities and ask your questions during live Q&A.

  • Managed Service Provider (MSP) Demo: February 8 at 8 am PST
    Join us for an admin training session for MSPs to learn the best practices to

Gestion des justificatifs d'identité Bitwarden
Gestion des justificatifs d'identité Bitwarden

That’s it for now. For more product updates and online security tips, visit the Bitwarden blog.

Until next time,

Team Bitwarden

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Obtenez dès maintenant une sécurité de mot de passe puissante et fiable. Choisissez votre plan.



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  • Gestion des clés d'accès
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par mois

10 $ facturés annuellement

Profitez des fonctionnalités premium

  • Bitwarden Authenticator
  • Pièces jointes
  • Accès d'urgence
  • Rapports de sécurité et plus encore

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Jusqu'à 6 utilisateurs, 40 $ facturés annuellement

Sécuriser vos identifiants familiaux

  • 6 comptes premium
  • Partage illimité
  • Collections illimitées
  • Organisation du stockage

Partager les éléments du coffre-fort entre six personnes

Les tarifs sont indiqués en USD et sont basés sur un abonnement annuel


Protection résiliente pour les équipes en croissance


par mois / par utilisateur facturé annuellement

Partagez des données sensibles en toute sécurité avec des collègues, à travers les départements ou l'ensemble de l'entreprise

  • Partage sécurisé des données
  • Surveillance du journal des événements
  • Intégration de l'annuaire

Inclut des fonctionnalités premium pour tous les utilisateurs


Fonctionnalités avancées pour les grandes organisations


par mois / par utilisateur facturé annuellement

Utilisez des fonctionnalités avancées, notamment des politiques d'entreprise, la connexion sans mot de passe unique (SSO) et la récupération de compte.

  • Politiques de sécurité de l'entreprise
  • SSO sans mot de passe
  • Recouvrement de compte

Inclut des fonctionnalités premium et un plan familial gratuit pour tous les utilisateurs

Obtenez un devis

Pour les entreprises comptant des centaines ou des milliers d'employés, veuillez contacter notre service commercial pour obtenir un devis personnalisé et voir comment Bitwarden peut vous aider :

  • Réduire le risque de cybersécurité
  • Augmenter la productivité
  • Intégrer de manière transparente

Bitwarden s'adapte à toutes les tailles d'entreprise pour garantir la sécurité des mots de passe au sein de votre organisation.

Tarification indiquée en USD et basée sur un abonnement annuel

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