Rendez votre expérience en ligne plus sûre, plus rapide et plus agréable
Des millions d'utilisateurs à travers le monde, y compris de nombreuses organisations parmi les plus grandes du monde, font confiance à Bitwarden pour protéger leurs informations en ligne en utilisant une approche transparente et open source de la gestion des mots de passe.

Sécuriser la Communauté Mondiale avec la Transparence de l'Open Source
Le logiciel open source distingue Bitwarden en tant que solution à laquelle les entreprises et les particuliers font confiance pour gérer leurs informations en ligne de manière simple et sécurisée.
Des normes de sécurité robustes protègent les données critiques avec un cryptage de bout en bout et permettent un partage sécurisé des informations pour une collaboration en ligne plus sûre et une productivité accrue.

Qui Nous Sommes et Comment Rejoindre la Mission Bitwarden
Bitwarden envisage un monde où personne ne se fait pirater, et nous reconnaissons que cela n'est possible qu'en travaillant ensemble. La communauté mondiale de Bitwarden façonne notre mission pour autonomiser les individus, les équipes et les organisations à gérer en toute sécurité leurs informations sensibles en ligne.
Avec la responsabilité, l'inclusion et la transparence au cœur de nos valeurs d'entreprise, nous visons l'excellence en fournissant des solutions de sécurité que tout le monde peut utiliser et en qui tout le monde peut avoir confiance.

Un numéro d'équilibriste : l'innovation commerciale et la sécurité des données
Le nouvel eBook, Balancing Security and Innovation in the Age of AI, présente les résultats d'une récente enquête menée auprès de 710 professionnels de l'informatique pour aider à résoudre le dilemme de l'équilibre entre l'innovation et la sécurité.
Plus de façons de connaître Bitwarden
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Pour les ressources presse et média, veuillez visiter la salle de presse.
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Siège social
Bitwarden, Inc.
1 Nord Rue Cesar Chavez
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
Bitwarden, Inc. est la société mère de 8bit Solutions LLC.
100 words
Bitwarden equips enterprises and individuals with the power to securely manage and share information online with trusted open source security solutions. With Password Manager for everyone, users can easily manage their entire online identity anywhere. Bitwarden Secrets Manager and enhance developer secrets security and streamline passkey development for end users and workforce authentication. Founded in 2016, Bitwarden serves tens of thousands of businesses and millions of users worldwide. The company is headquartered in Santa Barbara, California. Learn more at
50 words
Bitwarden is a trusted security leader for millions of users worldwide, empowering enterprises, developers, and individuals to securely manage and share sensitive information anywhere. Bitwarden makes it easy for all users to extend robust security across their devices with password management, secrets management, and passwordless and passkey innovations.
25 words
Bitwarden empowers everyone to securely manage online identities and share sensitive information online with trusted security solutions for passwords, secrets, and passkey management.
Social descriptor
Bitwarden empowers everyone with trusted security solutions to manage sensitive information online. Explore Password Manager, Secrets Manager, and passkey innovations.
Product descriptions
Bitwarden Password Manager
Bitwarden Password Manager for organizations and individuals requiring password security to reduce the risk of breaches, boost productivity, and achieve compliance.
Bitwarden Secrets Manager
Bitwarden Secrets Manager for developers and DevOps teams to securely centralize and manage machine credentials across the development lifecycle.
Bitwarden for developers building FIDO2 WebAuthn-based passkey authentication for websites and applications.
Avez-vous des questions ? Nous sommes ici pour aider.
Bitwarden is one word with a lower-case w.
Yes. Bitwarden is a corporation headquartered in Santa Barbara, California with employees located in the U.S. and around the world.
Bitwarden offers both Business and Personal plans and pricing, along with our popular free offering for individuals. Our premium offering for personal use is just $10 a year, and our family plan is $40/year
For plans and prices visit:
Bitwarden stores passwords in the cloud or your self-hosted instance. Once you log in on a device, Bitwarden stores your data locally in an encrypted format that only you can decrypt. This provides offline read access to your vault. Adding or changing passwords requires online access.
Bitwarden uses Administrative Data to provide the Bitwarden Service to its users. We list the data collected in the security section of our help website here:
The Bitwarden business model focuses on paid business and individual plans. You can read more in this blog: Defining and sustaining value for Bitwarden users
Bitwarden allows users to share passwords with other people for free. Every free Bitwarden account includes a free two-person organization with sharing of unlimited logins.
Also, every free Bitwarden account includes Bitwarden Send which allows you to transmit any information, passwords, or other, with any other user in an end-to-end encrypted format.
The Bitwarden Basic Free Account provides unlimited passwords across unlimited devices. No other offering from any other major provider comes close to this offering.
Bitwarden offers a password generator for all plans, including a web version that does not require a Bitwarden account:
Bitwarden offers a password strength tester for all plans, including a web version that does not require a Bitwarden account:
Yes. Both our free and paid plans have multi-factor authentication. The free plan includes authenticator app or email options.
Yes. Bitwarden offers password checkups and breach reports. The data breach report is available in the free plan. Additional reports are part of our premium offering at just $10/year, less than any other paid offering by other companies.
Your data is fully encrypted and/or hashed before ever leaving your local device, so no one from the Bitwarden team can ever see, read, or reverse engineer to get to your real data. Bitwarden servers only store encrypted and hashed data. For more security info visit
The Bitwarden mission is to help people stay safe online regardless of the authentication technology they use. Bitwarden incorporates a variety of passwordless features, including biometrics, security keys, 2FA, and will continue to innovate and add support for these important technologies in the future. Passwordless authentication is important and will continue to grow. At the same time, password-based authentication is unlikely to go away any time soon due to convenience and ubiquity.
For more information, see our posts on Living the Passwordless Life, Bitwarden and the Passwordless Revolution, and How to Go Passwordless with Bitwarden
See our Media Spotlight page for the latest reviews by industry experts:
For customer perspectives see -
For reviews from users who switched from another password manager see -
Visit: to see how Bitwarden protects customer data.