May 2022 Spotlight: World Password Day
Today is World Password Day! To celebrate, Bitwarden released the 2022 Global Survey bringing you insight into the current state of password management. Learn more about the survey results below.
- Bronnen
- May 2022 Spotlight: World Password Day
Bitwarden recently announced its newest Vault feature, a community-requested favorite, the username generator. Just like your passwords, usernames play an important role in securing your digital life, and the Bitwarden username generator helps you create secure usernames for all your accounts which can then be safely stored in your Vault. Check out the Bitwarden blog to learn more.
DMM Eikaiwa, one of the largest online English class providers in the world, recently shared their experience on how their team uses Bitwarden to manage and secure passwords across a distributed company. Read the Bitwarden blog to learn how the global language platform is strengthening password sharing and management.
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This year’s findings of the World Password Day Global Survey showed nearly all respondents (90%) identify themselves as being ‘somewhat’ or ‘very’ familiar with password security best practices - but does being familiar mean putting into practice? Not quite. 84% of respondents admit to reusing passwords across more than one site, and 55% say they rely on memory to manage passwords. Learn more about the results on the Bitwarden blog.
For those who are ready to push beyond the basics of password management, there are a few extra steps you can take to enhance your account security even further, such as using a unique email address to strengthen your primary login credentials. Read the Bitwarden blog to learn more.
Interested in self-hosting Bitwarden? Get started quickly and easily by installing a Bitwarden 1-click Droplet via the DigitalOcean Marketplace, giving you the freedom to get back to the important stuff. As a bonus, new DigitalOcean users instantly receive $100 of free credit by using the Bitwarden Partner link. Check out the blog to learn more.
Many of today's employees are on their own when it comes to handling tasks like creating passwords for the services they use. When this happens, people generally resort to less than perfect choices, such as relying on web browsers to capture and store passwords. But is your browser really the right place to store all of that information? Many industry experts advise against this. Learn more about why companies are moving beyond browser-based password managers on the Bitwarden blog.
A big shoutout to Bitwarden community member Patrick Lauke for making accessibility contributions to Bitwarden code. Congratulations, Patrick, you are the Bitwarden Contributor of the Month! 👏
The good news is, you don’t need to be a coder to participate in the Bitwarden community. Here are other ways to get involved:
Help Translate: Join the Crowdin community that has helped translate Bitwarden into over 40 languages around the world.
Beta Feedback: Test and share feedback on the Bitwarden mobile apps before they're released to the app store.
Bring Questions to Vault Hours: Join the upcoming Vault Hours event where we answer all of your questions and discuss the latest news in the world of Bitwarden and security technology.
That’s it for now. Let us know what you think about this newsletter including potential topics you’d like to see.
Until next time,
Team Bitwarden
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