Security's Got Talent!
Share your story in this short video contest! How has your password manager changed your life?
- Bronnen
- Security's Got Talent!
Check out this blog to celebrate the winners of the Security's Got Talent short video competition! This contest closed August 13, 2023.
Welcome to the Bitwarden Security’s Got Talent short video competition! This contest entails submitting a 1 minute video explaining how using Bitwarden has improved or changed your life. In a world where the average person has tens, if not hundreds, of passwords, we don’t think it’s hyperbole to recognize the role password managers can play in bringing some much-needed sanity, peace of mind, and efficiency to our online lives.
To help keep things as objective as possible, we’ve developed a set of rules governing the contest. Scroll down to learn more about the rules, categories, prizes, and requisite disclaimers.
Table of contents
Contest categories and prizes
Contest rules for video submissions
Who can compete?
Video requirements
How to submit your video
How will I know if I’ve won?
How will the videos be graded?
What can I do to improve my chances of winning?
Meet the judges
$25,000 in total prizes
Best Video Overall
Gold: $7,000 prize
Silver: $5,500 prize
Bronze: $3,500 prize
Best Technical Explanation: $3,000
Best Visuals: $2,000
Most Creative Video: $2,000
Most Enthusiastic Video: $2,000
Winners will be announced at the live event on August 23rd. Register now!
Anyone 18 years or older, anywhere in the world, is encouraged to participate
Only one video submission per participant will be considered
Bitwarden employees and associated vendors cannot participate
Video must be uploaded to YouTube
Video must be 90 seconds or under
Video dimension requirements: 16x9, 9x16, or square
Use this graphic template for the thumbnail of your video
Use #securitysgottalent as the first hashtag in your video description
Make sure your video and audio are copyright free and you own all rights to your submission
You may have as many people participate in making your video as you would like, however, only one person can receive the prize should your video be selected
You do not have to be visible in your video if you don't want to, feel free to get creative!
Subscribe and follow Bitwarden on YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook to stay up-to-date on the competition
Mentioning Bitwarden by name is not required, however, mentioning or showing other password managers will disqualify your video from the competition. By submitting your video to this competition you grant Bitwarden the right to use your video on our official channels.
Email the link to your YouTube video to by the end of the day on August 13, 2023 11:59 p.m. PT
Make the subject line in your email “Bitwarden Security’s Got Talent Submission”
Include a copy of the raw file of your video (you can upload it to a service like Google Drive or Dropbox)
Include where you first heard about this competition
Bitwarden reserves the rights to your video once it is submitted to this competition. By submitting to this contest, your video may be featured by Bitwarden.
Winners will be notified via the email address used for the submission
Winners will be announced on August 23, 2023 at a live virtual event featuring white hat hacker and competition judge Rachel Tobac. Register now!
All videos will be reviewed and judged by a panel of cybersecurity and password manager experts. The final decision will be made through a combination of the panelists' votes and the number of likes on your YouTube video.
Get out there and promote your video! A significant portion of the final decision will take into account the most popular YouTube videos submitted to this competition. Make sure you include the hashtag #securitysgottalent on your social media posts!
Check out this Video Contest Playlist for examples and to like your favorites!
The judges will take into account the most popular videos to determine the winners.
Profiteer nu van krachtige, vertrouwde wachtwoordbeveiliging. Kies uw plan.
per maand
Altijd gratis
Een Bitwarden-kluis krijgen.
- Onbeperkte apparaten
- Beheer van wachtwoordcode
- Alle kernfuncties
- Altijd gratis
Kluisitems met één andere gebruiker delen
Less than$1
per maand
$10 jaarlijkse rekening
Geniet van premium functies
- Bitwarden-authenticator
- Bestand bijlagen
- Noodtoegang
- Veiligheidsrapporten en meer
Kluisitems met één andere gebruiker delen
per maand
Tot 6 gebruikers, $40 jaarlijkse rekening
Inloggegevens van uw gezin beveiligen
- 6 premium-accounts
- Onbeperkt delen
- Onbeperkte collecties
- Opslag van de organisatie
Kluisitems tussen zes personen delen
Prijzen weergegeven in USD en gebaseerd op een jaarabonnement
Veerkrachtige bescherming voor groeiende teams
per maand/per gebruiker, jaarlijkse rekening
Deel gevoelige gegevens veilig met collega's, afdelingen of het hele bedrijf
- Gegevens veilig delen
- Gebeurtenislogboekbewaking
- Gidsintegratie
Inclusief premium functies voor alle gebruikers
Geavanceerde mogelijkheden voor grotere organisaties
per maand/per gebruiker, jaarlijkse rekening
Gebruik geavanceerde functies zoals bedrijfsbeleid, SSO zonder wachtwoord en accountherstel.
- Bedrijfsbeleid
- Wachtwoordloze SSO
- Account herstellen
Inclusief premium functies en gratis gezinsplan voor alle gebruikers
Een offerte aanvragen
Voor bedrijven met honderden of duizenden werknemers, neem contact op met de verkoopafdeling voor een offerte op maat en ontdek hoe Bitwarden kan helpen:
- Cyberbeveiligingsrisico's verminderen
- Productiviteit verhogen
- Naadloos integreren
Bitwarden schaalt met elk formaat bedrijf om wachtwoordbeveiliging naar uw organisatie te brengen
Prijzen worden weergegeven in USD en zijn gebaseerd op een jaarabonnement
Klaar om Bitwarden in actie te zien?