Bitwarden Resources

April 2022 Spotlight: Account Switching on Bitwarden

The Account Switching feature rollout continues with newly released availability in the Bitwarden mobile and desktop applications. Users can now serve a RESTful API from the Command Line Interface (CLI), preserving an end-to-end encrypted environment.

  1. Bronnen
  2. April 2022 Spotlight: Account Switching on Bitwarden
Bringing a RESTful API to the Bitwarden CLI
Bringing a RESTful API to the Bitwarden CLI

In the spirit of continued support for developers, a new ‘serve’ command  for the Bitwarden Command Line Interface (CLI) makes integrating workflows easier. It spins up a local web server providing a RESTful API to the CLI allowing operations on data within an encrypted vault. You can learn more about this exciting new feature in the latest release blog.

Account Switching Phase 1
Account Switching Phase 1

Bitwarden desktop and mobile apps now have the ability to quickly switch between Bitwarden accounts, with multiple accounts logged in at once. Check out the blog about the Account Switching feature for answers to frequently asked questions as well as updates on the phased rollout across applications. 

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More Bits and Bites

World Backup Day
World Backup Day

Every year, World Backup Day reminds us how important it is to backup your data. Protecting your most treasured data across devices and online accounts starts with backing up your login credentials. In the 2022 World Backup Day blog, learn how to protect your primary login for your password manager, as well as the sensitive information stored within your vault.

Industry Leaders Security Rankings
Industry Leaders Security Rankings

Wondering how certain companies fare when it comes to offering security-first password policies? So were we. From an end-user perspective, we evaluated the security-friendliness of password systems used by leading social media platforms and banking institutions. Check out the surprising results of the Industry Leaders Security Rankings initiative, now featuring the Social Media edition and Banking edition.

New York takes on credential stuffing and passwords
New York takes on credential stuffing and passwords

In January 2022, New York State Attorney General Letitia James announced the results of an investigation into credential stuffing. As reported in the latest Bitwarden blog, the investigation revealed that over one million accounts were compromised in cyberattacks at 17 well-known companies, and it's been reported that credential stuffing will increase over the coming weeks. 

Tax Season: Stay secure with Bitwarden Send hero
Tax Season: Stay secure with Bitwarden Send hero

During tax season, cybercriminals often prey on weak document security using a variety of phishing, vishing and smishing attacks. Read the Tax Season blog to learn how Bitwarden Send can help ensure your tax documents and other sensitive information remain secure.

Top Social Favorites

The social media community plays an important role in contributing to a world free of breaches and hacks by sharing helpful security tips and experiences. Here are recent highlights from our social community.

7 Privacy-Focused Alternatives to Common Linux Software Twitter
7 Privacy-Focused Alternatives to Common Linux Software Twitter

The team at MakeUseOf (MUO) created a list of the 7 Privacy-Focused Alternatives to Common Linux Software, including Bitwarden for password management! Read the article to learn more. 

That’s it for now. Let us know what you think about this newsletter including potential topics you’d like to see.

Until next time,

Team Bitwarden

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  • Cyberbeveiligingsrisico's verminderen
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