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Bitwarden Familiesの無料プランに関する企業ユーザーへのEメール例文


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  2. Bitwarden Familiesの無料プランに関する企業ユーザーへのEメール例文

To: Employees

Subject: Complimentary Bitwarden families plan for all users

Dear [company] employees,

We use Bitwarden for secure password management and sharing secure information across teams and the organization. Proper password management is an important part of our security strategy and we’re happy that together we can practice secure password habits.

We can now share password management to you and your family. Through our Bitwarden enterprise subscription, every employee connected to our Bitwarden instance can redeem a complimentary Bitwarden families plan using a personal email address and invite five additional family members to join. Every user on the families plan will have access to secure password sharing and premium features, such as advanced two-step login, emergency access, encrypted file attachments, and more.

We hope that every employee will take advantage of this opportunity to protect themselves and their families.. Internet and password security is important both in the office and at home, and staying secure across our personal and work lives is a shared responsibility.

To redeem the free families plan, log in to the Bitwarden web vault and follow the instructions on-screen. A walkthrough from Bitwarden is available here.

Thank you,

[IT admin name, title]

Frequently asked questions

Q: What is a Bitwarden families plan?

A: The families plan works like the company organization, but for six people. This means that you are already familiar with storing and sharing logins with others and the premium features that are included. Now you can extend those same benefits to your family members. More information is available here.

Q: Why is Bitwarden offering this?

A: Practicing good password security habits at home reinforces security policies at work, resulting in an overall safer workplace while also benefiting you and your family. Bitwarden provides these complimentary plans to help add value to their enterprise offering while bolstering security for everyone.

Q: Should I redeem with my personal email address?

A: Yes. Your current work account may have enterprise policies that do not apply to a separate families account. As a best practice, we recommend this plan for personal use and to maintain personal/work separation.

Q: What if I want to use my work and personal accounts on the same computer?

A: In general it’s recommended to separate work and personal devices. However you can log into any Bitwarden account from any device. In 2022 Bitwarden will introduce a new Account Switching feature that will make it easier to use both accounts on the same device.

Q: What happens if I already have a Bitwarden account and plan?

A: Your Bitwarden plan will be upgraded to a families plan. If you already are subscribed to a families plan, you will be given a prorated credit for future use.

Q: What happens if I’m no longer eligible for the free Bitwarden families plan?

A: If you are no longer an active enterprise user, your families plan will remain in place until the renewal date. Before then you will receive an email notifying you of the upcoming renewal, and your payment method on file will automatically be charged on that date.

Q: Where can I learn more about Bitwarden and how to use it?

A: The Bitwarden website and the very thorough Help Center both have plenty of learning resources. Bitwarden support can also be reached through their Contact form.

The Bitwarden website and the very thorough Help Center both have plenty of learning resources. Bitwarden support can also be reached through their Contact form.






Bitwarden のボールトを取得

  • 無制限のデバイス
  • パスキー管理
  • すべてのコア機能
  • いつも無料

ボールトのアイテムを他の 1 人のユーザーと共有する


Less than$1




  • Bitwarden 認証器
  • ファイル添付
  • 緊急アクセス
  • セキュリティ レポートなど

ボールトのアイテムを他の 1 人のユーザーと共有する




最大 6 ユーザー、年間 $40 請求されます


  • 6 つのプレミアムアカウント
  • 無制限の共有
  • 無制限のコレクション
  • 組織のストレージ

ボールトのアイテムを 6 人で共有する

表示されている価格は USD で、年間購読に基づいています






  • セキュアなデータ共有
  • イベントログ監視
  • ディレクトリ統合






エンタープライズ ポリシー、パスワードなしの SSO、アカウントの回復などの高度な機能を利用する。

  • 容易なオンボーディング
  • パスワードレスSSO
  • アカウント回復

すべてのユーザー向けのプレミアム機能と補完的なファミリー プランが含まれる


数百人または数千人の従業員を持つ企業のために、カスタム見積もりを取得するために営業に連絡し、Bitwarden がどのように役立つかを確認してください:

  • サイバーセキュリティ リスクを軽減する
  • 生産性を向上させる
  • シームレスに統合する

Bitwarden は、パスワードのセキュリティを貴組織にもたらすために、どんな規模のビジネスにも対応する。

表示される価格は USD です。エンタープライズプランは年間購読に基づいている。

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