Bitwarden Resources

July 2022 Spotlight: Updates to the Bitwarden Product Roadmap

To continue the Bitwarden tradition of open communication and transparency, the 2022 product roadmap has been updated and is now available on the Community Forums.

  1. Ressources
  2. July 2022 Spotlight: Updates to the Bitwarden Product Roadmap

How to use Bitwarden username generator
How to use Bitwarden username generator

The fundamentals of securing your online accounts involves strong, unique passwords. But are you pairing that with a randomly generated username for added privacy and protection? Find out why generating username aliases is growing in popularity among security champions today and how Bitwarden is making it easy to integrate into your everyday life online.

The Survey Room - The Survey Room
The Survey RoomThe Survey Room

If you're interested in exploring the latest password security risks and adoption trends, Bitwarden recently published The Survey Room—a complete list of third-party survey reports that represent the opinions of IT decision makers, security enthusiasts, and Bitwarden community members. These data-driven insights are designed to help you make smart, security-first decisions.

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More Bits and Bites

An introduction to the Bitwarden Web UI

If your primary Bitwarden client is the browser extension or mobile app, you may not know that the Bitwarden Web Vault includes additional features, such as the ability to manage organizations and access Vault Health Reports. Learn more about the Bitwarden Web Vault and see what's what.

How to use security keys with Bitwarden

Two factor authentication is critical to online security. Bitwarden makes it easy for you to integrate physical security keys (such as Solokeys and Yubikeys) to strengthen your online protection. Unlike traditional 2FA (where a 6-digit key is sent to your smartphone via SMS or a 2FA app on your smartphone), you authenticate using a physical key that is registered through the Bitwarden web-based interface. How do you use physical keys with Bitwarden? This article walks you through the process. 

Cybersecurity Advice for Small Businesses from the NCSC

Recognizing that many small and medium-sized businesses may not have a budget for a dedicated IT security team, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has developed a campaign that shares practical recommendations for keeping data secure and preventing unauthorized access. Check out the NCSC tips for SMBs.

The EU is on top of it: Cybersecurity Advice from ENISA

In June, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) kicked off its cyber health campaign by sharing tips on how individuals and organizations can better protect their data and prevent threats such as phishing and other cyberattacks. Read the highlights from the ENISA cyber health tips.

Bitwarden Design: Updating the Web Vault Experience

The recent Bitwarden vault refresh incorporated important user feedback, comments, suggestions, and other data-driven insights. Dive into the feedback and research that drove the latest refresh of the Bitwarden web vault experience.

Next up on the Product Roadmap

Product Focus Areas
Product Focus Areas

The updated 2022 Product Roadmap is now available in the online Community Forums. The roadmap is divided into four key pillars of focus: Vault Experience, Business Enablement, MSP and Reseller Functionality, and Increasing Developer Productivity. For a more in depth overview of the roadmap, watch the latest Vault Hours recording on demand.

Community Spotlight

Special Thanks
Special Thanks

The community plays an important role in contributing to a world free of breaches and hacks by sharing helpful security tips and experiences. Bitwarden recently hosted the first online Community Forum event––an open venue for feedback, questions, and sharing success stories.

 Special thanks to the 2022 Bitwarden Community Forum Award winners for the work they have done to enhance the Bitwarden community and codebase for all users. For those that were unable to join the live event, the recording is now available to view on demand.

That’s it for now. 

 Until next time,

Team Bitwarden

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par mois

10 $ facturés annuellement

Profitez des fonctionnalités premium

  • Bitwarden Authenticator
  • Pièces jointes
  • Accès d'urgence
  • Rapports de sécurité et plus encore

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Jusqu'à 6 utilisateurs, 40 $ facturés annuellement

Sécuriser vos identifiants familiaux

  • 6 comptes premium
  • Partage illimité
  • Collections illimitées
  • Organisation du stockage

Partager les éléments du coffre-fort entre six personnes

Les prix sont indiqués en USD et sont basés sur un abonnement annuel. Les taxes ne sont pas incluses.


Protection résiliente pour les équipes en croissance


par mois / par utilisateur facturé annuellement

Partagez des données sensibles en toute sécurité avec des collègues, à travers les départements ou l'ensemble de l'entreprise

  • Partage sécurisé des données
  • Surveillance du journal des événements
  • Intégration de l'annuaire
  • Soutien au SCIM

Inclut des fonctionnalités premium pour tous les utilisateurs


Fonctionnalités avancées pour les grandes organisations


par mois / par utilisateur facturé annuellement

Utilisez des fonctionnalités avancées, notamment des politiques d'entreprise, la connexion sans mot de passe unique (SSO) et la récupération de compte.

  • Politiques de sécurité de l'entreprise
  • SSO sans mot de passe
  • Recouvrement de compte
  • Option d’autohébergement

Inclut des fonctionnalités premium et un plan familial gratuit pour tous les utilisateurs

Obtenez un devis

Pour les entreprises comptant des centaines ou des milliers d'employés, veuillez contacter notre service commercial pour obtenir un devis personnalisé et voir comment Bitwarden peut vous aider :

  • Réduire le risque de cybersécurité
  • Augmenter la productivité
  • Intégrer de manière transparente

Bitwarden s'adapte à toutes les tailles d'entreprise pour garantir la sécurité des mots de passe au sein de votre organisation.

Tarification indiquée en USD et basée sur un abonnement annuel

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