September 2021 Spotlight: The New Bitwarden Provider Portal
Welcome to the Bitwarden September newsletter, featuring product and company announcements, upcoming events, and top social fan favorites.
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- September 2021 Spotlight: The New Bitwarden Provider Portal

First, important news for the Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. The new Bitwarden Provider Portal enables MSPs to scale password management across their entire client base. Easy to deploy and manage, Bitwarden enhances MSP security offerings and makes onboarding new clients simpler than ever. Learn more about the Provider Portal here.
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This highly anticipated security feature allows users to activate items in their vault to prompt them for their master password before accessing or editing a hidden field. To learn more, read this article on password reprompt.

Password managers can play a role in each stage of an incident response plan. Security response playbooks can leverage password manager features such as timestamped event logs for analysis and more. To learn more, read this article on Security Response Playbooks.

Many users create Organizations within Bitwarden for secure sharing of Logins, Notes, Cards, and Identities with other users. Options vary from free two-person sharing to fully-featured Enterprise options. See the help note here.

T-Mobile Data Breach Highlights SMS-Based 2FA Security Flaws
The data breach exposed the personal data of over 100 million people. Protect yourself: set a PIN on your wireless account, use an authenticator app wherever possible to prevent SIM swapping attacks, and of course, change your wireless account's password and any reused passwords. To learn more, read this article.

Every Wednesday, 9 am PT/ 12 noon ET
Participate in a product tour and open Q&A for the Bitwarden Teams and Enterprise plans. We also offer an on-demand demo available 24/7.
You play an important role in contributing to a world free of breaches and hacks by sharing your knowledge and experience. Here are a couple of recent fan-favorite posts.
A Reddit Post About Yours Truly

That’s it for now. Let us know what you think about this newsletter including potential topics you’d like to see.
Until next time,
Team Bitwarden
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