Morgen decoderen: Ontwikkelaarsgeheimen, beveiliging en de toekomst van paskeys
Bitwarden ondervroeg meer dan 600 ontwikkelaars om te begrijpen hoe zij aankijken tegen best practices op het gebied van beveiliging en hoe zij deze implementeren.
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- Morgen decoderen: Ontwikkelaarsgeheimen, beveiliging en de toekomst van paskeys
In dit eerste onderzoek heeft Bitwarden meer dan 600 ontwikkelaars ondervraagd om te begrijpen hoe zij aankijken tegen best practices op het gebied van beveiliging en hoe zij deze toepassen. De enquête peilde ook naar houdingen en adoptiepraktijken met betrekking tot IT-beveiligingstechnologieën en -trends, waaronder wachtwoordloze authenticatie, geheimenbeheer en de cyberbeveiligingsrisico's in verband met de opkomst van generatieve AI.
Almost all (94%) cite ‘secure by design’ principles as very or extremely important in the development process.
Although ‘secure-by-design' principles are important to developers, 26% claim implementation is too time consuming and 18% say they’re too understaffed and working tight deadlines.
And, practices like hard-coding secrets in source code (65%) and keeping secrets in clear text (55%) prevail.

“The 2024 developer survey highlights a move towards modern authentication like passkeys in work applications. However, it also shows risky practices continue despite regular security training.
This data underscores the industry-wide challenge of translating security awareness into action.
It's clear there's a need for accessible tools to help the developer community and organizations manage secrets securely, enforce strong authentication, and handle the risks of AI, while keeping innovation on track.”
Over three-fourths (78%) strongly or somewhat believe generative AI will make maintaining data security more challenging.
Most (83%) have significantly or somewhat invested in AI technology. However, unsecure use is prevalent: 30% have entered developer secrets into a generative AI platform, 24% have entered privileged credentials, and 25% have entered social security numbers.
Over a third (38%) believe AI will pose the biggest cyber threat 5 years from now, followed by ransomware (19%) and poor cyber hygiene (16%).

AI: A Renewed Need for Cybersecurity
Survey finds 78% of developers identify AI as a security risk, yet they continue to input sensitive credential, financial and health data into AI platforms.
A majority (88%) have a highly favorable or favorable attitude towards passkeys and passwordless features.
Over two-thirds (68%) of developers have used passkeys for accessing work applications; 60% for accessing personal applications.
But while FIDO2 and passkeys have received attention as a potential password alternative, just 36% think they will replace passwords.

Passwordless Authentication: Balancing Security and Convenience
68% of developers have embraced passkeys for work applications, indicating a shift towards modern authentication technologies. Over a third (36%) see FIDO2 and passkeys as likely successors to passwords.
View the full report: Decoding Tomorrow: Developer Secrets, Security and the Future of Passkeys
Check out The Survey Room for additional cybersecurity research or visit to learn more about coding securely.
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