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- 明日の解読開発者の秘密、セキュリティ、パスキーの未来
Almost all (94%) cite ‘secure by design’ principles as very or extremely important in the development process.
Although ‘secure-by-design' principles are important to developers, 26% claim implementation is too time consuming and 18% say they’re too understaffed and working tight deadlines.
And, practices like hard-coding secrets in source code (65%) and keeping secrets in clear text (55%) prevail.

“The 2024 developer survey highlights a move towards modern authentication like passkeys in work applications. However, it also shows risky practices continue despite regular security training.
This data underscores the industry-wide challenge of translating security awareness into action.
It's clear there's a need for accessible tools to help the developer community and organizations manage secrets securely, enforce strong authentication, and handle the risks of AI, while keeping innovation on track.”
Over three-fourths (78%) strongly or somewhat believe generative AI will make maintaining data security more challenging.
Most (83%) have significantly or somewhat invested in AI technology. However, unsecure use is prevalent: 30% have entered developer secrets into a generative AI platform, 24% have entered privileged credentials, and 25% have entered social security numbers.
Over a third (38%) believe AI will pose the biggest cyber threat 5 years from now, followed by ransomware (19%) and poor cyber hygiene (16%).

AI: A Renewed Need for Cybersecurity
Survey finds 78% of developers identify AI as a security risk, yet they continue to input sensitive credential, financial and health data into AI platforms.
A majority (88%) have a highly favorable or favorable attitude towards passkeys and passwordless features.
Over two-thirds (68%) of developers have used passkeys for accessing work applications; 60% for accessing personal applications.
But while FIDO2 and passkeys have received attention as a potential password alternative, just 36% think they will replace passwords.

Passwordless Authentication: Balancing Security and Convenience
68% of developers have embraced passkeys for work applications, indicating a shift towards modern authentication technologies. Over a third (36%) see FIDO2 and passkeys as likely successors to passwords.
View the full report: Decoding Tomorrow: Developer Secrets, Security and the Future of Passkeys
Check out The Survey Room for additional cybersecurity research or visit bitwarden.com/secrets/ to learn more about coding securely.
- セキュアなデータ共有
- イベントログ監視
- ディレクトリ統合
- SCIMサポート
エンタープライズ ポリシー、パスワードなしの SSO、アカウントの回復などの高度な機能を利用する。
- 容易なオンボーディング
- パスワードレスSSO
- アカウント回復
- 自己ホスト型オプション
すべてのユーザー向けのプレミアム機能と補完的なファミリー プランが含まれる
数百人または数千人の従業員を持つ企業のために、カスタム見積もりを取得するために営業に連絡し、Bitwarden がどのように役立つかを確認してください:
- サイバーセキュリティ リスクを軽減する
- 生産性を向上させる
- シームレスに統合する
Bitwarden は、パスワードのセキュリティを貴組織にもたらすために、どんな規模のビジネスにも対応する。