Bitwarden Resources

Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Password Management

  1. Ressourcen
  2. Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Password Management

Table of Contents

  • Integrate with your existing environment(s)

  • Deployment options

  • Corporate Password Policies

  • Client compatibility

  • Security and Encryption

  • Auditing and Logging

  • Integration

  • Authentication

  • Import and Export

  • Secure Sharing

  • Useability, Autofill and Biometrics, Offline access, Search

  • Secrets Management

  • Passwordless for developers

  • Compliance

  • Purchasing

  • Implementation

Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Password Management

Set yourself up for success by including all of the following in an evaluation of enterprise password management.

Integrate with your existing environment(s)




Broad SSO compatibility


Support wide range of existing identity providers


Support modern identity systems

Login with SSO (and decrypt with password manager password)

Additional security via authenticating with SSO and decrypting with main password

SSO with trusted devices

Use trusted devices to store users’ password manager passwords for easy retention

Customer managed encryption

Complete control with a key connector to retain user vault encryption locally with self-hosted deployments

Clear role mapping for users

Tightly managed role assignment for onboarding to ensure utmost security

SCIM provisioning

SCIM endpoint for onboarding

Automate user rollout to accelerate your security posture. Operate natively without requiring a bridge

Principal User Names

Support accounts without an email address

Establish accounts by User Principal Name (UPN) where desired without requiring a user email ID 

Deployment options




Cloud deployment

Simple SaaS service

Easily launch password management for any size organization

Self-hosted deployment

On-premises option

Complete control over password management in a private environment

Centralized client configuration options

Desktop and mobile deployment and configuration options, compatibility with device and mobility management systems

Central configuration and roll out of the Mac App and extension, the Windows App, the Linux App, the managed Chrome/Edge/Firefox browser extensions, and the mobile apps (preconfigured with optional self-hosted server URL) delivers the enterprise administration companies expect
Full client list at

Corporate Password Policies




Generate passwords

Abide by company policy

Ensure employee generated passwords meet company policies

Policy options

Length, min numbers, min special chars, upper case, lower case, passphrase options

Maintain compliance with existing company policies

Main password manager password policy

Policy for master passwords

Ensure employees' passwords for their password manager is strong

Account recovery administration

Automatic enrollment

Guarantee that administrators have the ability to help employees when needed with account recovery, ensuring all individual credentials remain accessible

Client compatibility




Comprehensive browser extension support

Supports all major browsers

Delivers maximum flexibility for broad adoption within any organization, including options to deploy centrally for company-controlled browsers








DuckDuckGo for Mac


Comprehensive mobile app support

Support all major platforms and application download paths

Deliver maximum flexibility for the highest adoption

iOS Apple App Store

Android Google Play Store


Direct from GitHub

Comprehensive desktop app support

Supports all major desktop operating systems

Deliver maximum flexibility for the highest adoption




Web app support

Functions available in stand alone web app

Ensure credential access securely in any environment

Command Line Interface (CLI)

Fully featured CLI

Easily enable programmatic actions and integration to fit existing enterprise workflows

Security and Encryption




Trusted open source architecture

Ability to see and examine codebase

Provide the utmost in trust and transparency for a mission critical software solution 

Minimum vault encryption 256-bit (AES-CBC or similar)

Including PBKDF2 SHA-256 or Argon2

Strong encryption protects data should it get into the wrong hands. Advanced algorithms such as Argon 2 provide advanced encryption methods

Zero-knowledge encryption

Entire Vault is encrypted

Breach reports

Integrate with services like HIBP

Breach reports help identify potential risk areas, warning users of breached sites and reused passwords

Exposed Passwords report

Identifies passwords that have been uncovered in known data breaches that were released publicly or sold on the dark web by hackers

Reused Passwords report

Identifies non-unique passwords in your vault

Weak Passwords report

Identifies weak passwords that can easily be guessed by hackers and automated tools that are used to crack passwords

Unsecured Websites report

Identifies login items that use unsecured (http://) schemes in URIs/URLs

Inactive 2FA report

Identifies login items where: Two-factor authentication (2FA) via TOTP is available from the service, and you have not stored a TOTP authenticator key

Auditing and Logging




Full audit trail

Viewable and exportable logs of relevant events

Comprehensive event coverage ensures detail to identify auditable steps

SIEM Integration

Easy API access

Integrate with existing systems to collect event log information for fast analysis





Fully featured CLI

Command Line Interface

Enable programmatic integrations with existing company workflows, including handling of encrypted items. Easily handle bulk operations

Robust API

Application Programming Interface

Enable programmatic integrations for managing members, collections, groups, event logs, and policies





Multifactor authentication for the password manager

Including authenticator app, WebAuthn, Yubico, email, Duo

Adding multifactor authentication delivers an additional layer of security

Ability to store MFA tokens

Store TOTP codes within password manager

Allow for multifactor authentication logins to be easily shared while retaining MFA

Integration with Duo

Out of box functionality

Additional security with existing multifactor solutions

Import and Export




Import Passwords 

Import from all major password managers across .csv and .json formats

Quickly consolidate disparate solutions into a unified enterprise password manager

Encrypted Exports

Export in account encrypted, independently encrypted, and unencrypted formats

Robust export mechanisms serve as backups and freedom to migrate if desired

Secure Sharing




Share items with a user or a group of users

Include organization of multiple items in shared folders

Secure sharing keeps sensitive information protected with controlled access

Send and receive encrypted passwords externally with a limited lifespan

Handle encrypted sensitive information with automatic removal

Sensitive information shared through email and messaging channels is not encrypted and could be exposed. Using encrypted, limited lifespan methods reduces risk

Quickly revoke access when needed

Disassociate user from company credentials

With employee succession, removing access quickly ensures smoother transitions




Client app localization

Language support

Browser extension and mobile apps can autofill username and password

Including options for managing Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)

Autofill provides user convenience and serves as a means to recognize and prevent phishing

Browser extension and mobile apps can autofill MFA tokens

For accounts with integrated multifactor authentication

For fast, secure logins

Biometric access across mobile, browser extension and desktop apps

Fingerprint or face identification

Convenience and security of biometrics leads to broader adoption and more use

Account switching

In-App account selector

Provide simple switching between multiple Bitwarden accounts

Offline vault access

Vault remains accessible offline in browser extension, mobile, and desktop apps

Ensure business continuity with read access to the vault even if connection to the server is interrupted 

Intelligent Search

Including options for advanced search

Detailed search including wildcards allows for quick retrieval of logins within a large vault

Individual vault

User-specific credentials

Allow for an individual vault that cannot be accessed by others

Secrets Management




Secrets Management Option

i.e. non human interaction for certificates or API key handling

Availability of a secrets management platform for use cases beyond general password management

Passwordless for developers




Passwordless and passkey infrastructure

Passkey software development kit to enable websites and enterprise apps

Rapidly transform your company to a passwordless organization, freeing employee and IT time to focus on their primary objectives





SOC 2 and SOC 3 reports

Third party audits

Audited validation of business practices


Including the option to sign a business associates agreement

Compliance for healthcare related companies 


Data privacy

Assure data privacy

Annual security assessments

Network and security scans

Audited security reports showcase detailed attention to security 

Independent security researcher program

Such as HackerOne

Proactively identify potential issues





Simple purchasing process

Direct or through channel

Easy to procure

Billed via invoice

30-day terms

Flexibility of an invoiced model

Complimentary Family plan for Enterprise users

Employee benefit

Security at work and at home leads to better overall habits





Comprehensive documentation

Publicly accessible on web

Easily understand product operations and self-serve product knowledge

Online training

Pre-recorded and live

Provide accelerated ramp for administrators as well as end users

Onboarding templates

Admin enablement

Pre-built email templates facilitate employee onboarding

24x7x365 Support

Business and end user

Support for Administrators and Users around the clock

Integration support

Deployment success

Detailed technical expertise ensures smooth deployments

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pro Monat

Für immer kostenlos

Holen Sie sich einen Bitwarden Datenspeicher

  • Unbegrenzte Geräte
  • Verwaltung von Zugangsschlüsseln
  • Sämtliche Hauptfunktionen
  • Immer kostenlos

Teilen Sie Objekte im Datenspeicher mit anderen Nutzern


Less than$1

pro Monat

10 EUR mit jährlicher Rechnungsstellung

Genießen Sie Premium-Funktionen

  • Bitwaren Authentifikator
  • Dateianhänge
  • Zugang im Notfall
  • Sicherheitsberichte und mehr

Teilen Sie Objekte im Datenspeicher mit anderen Nutzern



pro Monat

Bis zu 6 Nutzer, 40 EUR mit jährlicher Rechnungsstellung

Sichern Sie die Logins Ihrer Familie

  • 6 Premium-Konten
  • Unbegrenztes Teilen
  • Unbegrenzte Sammlungen
  • Speicher für Ihre Organisation

Teilen Sie Datenspeicher-Objekte zwischen sechs Personen

Die Preise werden in USD angezeigt und basieren auf einem Jahresabonnement. Steuern nicht inbegriffen.


Widerstandsfähiger Schutz für wachsende Teams


pro Monat/per Nutzer

Teilen Sie sensible Daten sicher mit Kollegen, über Abteilungen hinweg oder im gesamten Unternehmen

  • Sicherer Datenaustausch
  • Ereignisprotokollüberwachung
  • Verzeichnisintegration
  • SCIM-Unterstützung

Beinhaltet Premium-Funktionen für alle Benutzer


Erweiterte Funktionen für größere Organisationen


pro Monat/per Nutzer

Nutzen Sie erweiterte Funktionen wie Unternehmensrichtlinien, passwortloses SSO und Kontowiederherstellung.

  • Unternehmensrichtlinien
  • Passwortloses SSO
  • Kontowiederherstellung
  • Self-Hosting-Option

Enthält Premium-Funktionen und einen kostenlosen Familientarif für alle Nutzer

Angebot anfordern

Für Unternehmen mit Hunderten oder Tausenden von Mitarbeitenden – fordern Sie ein individuelles Angebot an und erfahren Sie, wie Bitwarden bei Folgendem helfen kann:

Unternehmen mit Hunderten oder Tausenden von Mitarbeitenden können unser Vertriebsteam kontaktieren, um ein individuelles Angebot zu erhalten und zu erfahren, wie Bitwarden Ihr Business unterstützen kann:

  • Verringerung des Risikos im Internet
  • Steigern der Produktivität
  • Nahtlose Integration

Bitwarden lässt sich an jede Unternehmensgröße anpassen und bringt Passwortsicherheit in Ihre Organisation

Die angezeigten Preise sind in USD angegeben und basieren auf einem Jahresabo

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