Start your 7-day Secrets Manager Enterprise trial
Secure your codebase with flexible secrets management built to help developers protect and store infrastructure secrets

Source-of-truth for secrets: store unlimited secrets and projects for easy fetching later.
Standardize security policies: deploy configurable security standards for your organization and development teams.
Work the way you want: with comprehensive SDKs, out of the box intergations, and CLI wrappers.
Comprehensive SSO integrations: leverage your existing idP to streamline onboarding and automate provisioning.

65% of developers have hard-coded secrets in source code
Businesses use the Bitwarden Secrets Manager to reduce risky secrets sprawl through features that enable developers to:
Protect and store SSH keys, database passwords, and API keys
Easily share secrets across users and machines
Securely inject credentials into code using secret IDs instead of plaintext secrets
Try these features and more in your free Enterprise trial of Bitwarden Secrets Manager!

"Bitwarden Secrets Manager is poised to solve this [hard-coded credentials] problem by giving users an easy and secure way to retrieve, share, and deploy them [secrets] across development teams while also supporting granular access permissions for individuals or groups."

“Bitwarden Secrets Manager provides a singular, simple, and convenient way to secure, control, and manage secrets. The new offering builds on the same trusted open source, zero knowledge, and end-to-end encryption foundation featured in the company’s industry-leading password management offering.”
“Built for developers and IT teams, the new [secrets] manager allows credentials beyond mere passwords - such as API keys and authentication certificates - to be stored securely and shared at scale. It uses zero knowledge architecture and is also end-to-end encrypted.”
Stop secret leaks. Start using Bitwarden today!