You're secure with Bitwarden

A new kind of password manager to scale business security, improve productivity, and protect sensitive information.

Gegevens veilig delen

Deel en beheer gevoelige gegevens veilig met gebruikers in je hele team en organisatie.

Naadloze integratie

Verbind uw bestaande systemen met Bitwarden met behulp van SSO-authenticatie, Directory-services of krachtige API's.

Open source software

Profiteer van de hoogste beveiligingsstandaarden met open source en gecontroleerde technologie die je in de cloud of zelf gehost kunt gebruiken.

Profiteer nu van krachtige, vertrouwde wachtwoordbeveiliging. Kies uw plan.

Why do enterprise users love Bitwarden?

Easy to login

Say hello to passwordless experiences for employees

Enable quick employee authentication through biometric login, SSO integrations, passkey support, and more.

Easy to manage

Manage thousands of employee credentials seamlessly

Deploy access to the right credentials for the right employees in seconds with SCIM support or through directory integration.

Easy to use

A password manager employees want to use

Users love Bitwarden for business and personal use. Give employees a tool they'll be glad to use at home, at work, and on the go.

Begin je reis naar veilig wachtwoordbeheer