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Proof-of-Concept Project Checklist

This guide is designed by our Product, Implementation, and Sales specialists at Bitwarden to help guide your business in running a PoC of Bitwarden. Bitwarden offers a free trial for Enterprise Organizations, and we're confident that spreading out these steps over that time will help shape a successful PoC.

Phase 1: Installation

Phase 2: Test and evaluate features

When evaluating Bitwarden Password Manager be sure to also review the features highlighted below. Choose to use your own data for your POC or import an example vault for testing.

Deployment best practices

We've seen a lot of deployments and have found that taking the following actions can positive contribute towards a successful PoC and successful adoption with your users:

Next steps

When you're ready to move from a proof-of-concept to putting Bitwarden into production, use the following resources:

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